
Cupid vs. Christ: What love looks like, and what it truly is

On this Valentine’s Day we see the mischievous Cupid adorning cards, chocolates and ads. But Kim Griffin advises we look not to fleeting appearances of love, but to the lasting, self-sacrificial love of Jesus on the cross.

How a refugee family became ‘our family’

Nebraska resettles more refugees per capita than any other state, which is how Nebraskan Effie Caldarola and friends came to care for one Syrian family there. They know what extreme vetting really means, and we should too.

What President Trump could learn from George Washington’s farewell

A review of Washington's Farewell Address might show our 45th president the commitment to unity, friendship and religion that our first president saw as essential to leadership and security, writes Jesuit Father William Byron.

The ‘whole life’ approach to pro-life advocacy

Pro-lifers should call for legislative action on many issues in support of life, not just unborn life, writes Maria Pia Negro Chin. These include alternatives to abortion, expansion of health care and an end to the death penalty.

A funny thing happened on the way to confession

A little humor and a fortuitous parking space helped Maureen Pratt come to confession. As her breath slowed and she meditated, she began to feel reconciled to the Lord even before receiving absolution.

6 tips for making St. Valentine’s Day special year-round

Sure, you can give the gift of chocolate, but Bill Dodds has suggestions for gifts your loved one or friend will really appreciate. They'll love you for it.

No matter the issue, conversion of hearts follows advocacy

After the jubilant March for Life and meetings with lawmakers, Anna Capizzi had mixed feelings, especially after the order barring immigrants. She calls for frank conversations with people who are in our lives but differ in opinion.

The underside, and the road ahead, of making America ‘great’ again

It isn't hard for Father Eugene Hemrick to acknowledge America's past greatness as well as its glaring flaws. Greatness comes ultimately from God's desire for human equality and dignity, and from people working for justice.

The freedom of self-employment means more responsibility

Erick Rommel advises young people to seek work, even if self-employed, in which we feel comfortable with our actions and with the people around us. After all, everyone relies on the support of others.

Mom lost her baby in miscarriage, and just can’t recover

In their Marriage Matters column, Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain discuss the emotions -- and the resources offering help -- of a mother's most bitter loss, and how it affects her husband and other children.