
Catholics should bring a sense of perspective to politics

For some advocates, each political victory is a triumph, each defeat a moment of despair. They push away friends and foes, rejecting incremental progress as betrayal. Catholics must take the long view of eternity, writes Richard Doerflinger.

Reality check: Global arc of human progress is rising

Amidst humanitarian crises and despite dictatorships, epidemics, a global economic crisis and more, billions of people have risen from extreme poverty and found many other benefits in the past 30 years, writes Carolyn Woo.

Why Catholics uncomfortable with ‘Amoris’ aren’t ‘dissenters’

Catholics are unsettled at the idea of being at odds with the church regarding divorce and remarriage, writes psychologist Hilary Towers. Many have experienced divorce and they want their children to know the beauty of the church's call to sexual integrity and marital fidelity.

What are you doing for others?

"The MLK Day of Service empowers individuals, strengthens communities, bridges barriers, creates solutions to social problems and moves us closer to Dr. King's vision of a beloved community."

You can lead a boy to homework, but you can’t make him think

How then, is a concerned parent going to find the ignition switch that will start the learning engine that lies hidden between the ears of his or her developing child?

Accept yourself as God does, because he wants you to be happy

Perfectionists are often exhausted because they don't know how to relax, writes Father John Catoir. We can learn from disabled people who often have a calmness about them. They've learned to live with being an imperfect human being.

Moving past envy when everyone seems so happy online

It is easy to feel jealous of the fabulous lives people portray on social media, writes Erick Rommel. But according to the Bible, social media is everything love is not. Our online lives often are not patient or kind. And jealousy "rots the bones."

Why wait? Do that spring cleaning in winter

A little bit at a time, Maureen Pratt is getting her house in order by sorting, cleaning and letting go. That same approach can work for losing weight, job searching or spiritual discernment. And you don't need a New Year's resolution.

Climate change: A Catholic issue

Effie Caldarola hopes it's not an ominous sign that the climate change page on the White House's website is gone. She suggests steps everyone can take to lessen the impact of a warming world and rising seas.

Call to greatness, in God’s plan, was heard loud and clear

Temple University student Matt Vanderveer had a life-changing experience at a recent national conference for Catholic collegians. He became fired up for his faith and found a purpose, thanks to SEEK2017.