
Blessed Teresa: Witness of modern-day holiness

The process for making a saint in the church is easier than it used to be, and John Garvey is grateful because soon-to-be St. Teresa of Kolkata was a real, recent and a relevant model of sainthood for us all.

Taking the ‘Ride’ of our lives

In his On the Record column, Charlie Martin listens to Twenty-One Pilots' hit song "Ride." Its lyrics are enigmatic but he sees in this reggae-infused version of hip-hop some signs of how to live the great adventure of life.

A lost American underclass in a fractured community

Poor, angry Americans represent a complex problem expressed in today's politics, writes Effie Caldarola. Somehow, our churches must be beacons of hope and become part of a solution to rebuild strong communities.

Olney summer program’s kids share secrets of their success

The Catholic-run Out of School Time Program at St. Helena/Incarnation School in North Philadelphia recognized the achievements 18 young participants, who credit simple wisdom well learned.

Couple’s dilemma: Take 2nd job to afford Catholic school, or move away?

In their Marriage Matters column, Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain discuss the sacrifices, financial burdens and big decisions that families face in wanting to send their children to Catholic schools.

French priest’s murder shows link of the cross with Mass

What can we do in the face of the monstrous violence inflicted by ISIS on an elderly priest? Pray at Mass unceasingly, advises Philadelphia writer Kim Griffin, and share the good news of Jesus' triumph.

The call to fear and isolationism needs witnesses like Edith Stein

Effie Caldarola is worried by our political season but encouraged by the "better angles of our nature" and other Good Samaritans. Perhaps at no time in recent history have we needed those witnesses more.

An eternity in heaven: Never-ending sameness, or the answer of our lives?

It has not been a great summer for politics or peace. But for Eric Banecker it’s been a comparatively good summer for music. One song has him wondering about life, its purpose and where it’s ultimately heading.

How the Supreme Court’s work became politics by another name

Justice Ginsberg's comments on Donald Trump point out the intrusion of politics into the judiciary, from the left and the right, John Garvey believes. The high court has only itself to blame for its erosion of trust.

On racism, moral leadership needed not just from presidents but all citizens

Black lives and all lives do matter, writes Bishop Edward Braxton. Leaders from all walks of life must reassert this conviction through action so that people may move toward consensus and conversion of heart.