
‘Spiritual issue’ of racism confronts the Christian vocation to heal

Racism is a “soul sickness” calling everyone to a conversion of heart, says an editorial from a national Catholic newspaper. We must pull ourselves out of isolation which fuels indifference and fear of the other.

All lives matter, and the death penalty is especially unjust

Justice for any of us is justice for all. Let's respect each other, writes Effie Caldarola, and let's start at the top: Get rid of the death penalty and its lethal legacy of discrimination.

Pa. House breaks for summer, no action on sex abuse bill

No matter the final resolution with HB 1947, the Catholic Church will honor its commitment to the well-being of individuals who have been impacted by the crime of childhood sexual abuse, no matter how long ago the crime was committed, writes Amy Hill.

Remembering Elie Wiesel and the unborn

"Our lives ... belong to all those who need us desperately," the Nobel laureate once said. Father William Byron writes that we need for protection from ourselves -- our inner demons, selfish ambitions and desire to dominate and accumulate.

Mayor Jim Kenney’s tweet on archdiocesan norms incenses Catholic watchdog

Bill Donohue, head of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil rights, blasts the Philadelphia mayor’s attack on Archbishop Charles Chaput as a misuse of public office.

Making investments that work for the poor

Carolyn Woo describes impact investing in which parishes and religious organizations not only teach a person to fish but set up boats, equipment and trucks to make fishing, and other work, real options for livelihood.

Close bond of mom and daughter squeezes out time with new husband

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain advise in the case of a young man whose mother in law spends a lot of time with his wife, and what the couple can do to strengthen their new marriage.

American dream is slipping through the class divides

American life is at a tipping point in which young people today, unlike their predecessors, can no longer expect to earn more than their parents, writes Jesuit Father William Byron. Fewer are likely to fit into the "upper middle class."

If we want to limit abortion, don’t wait for government to do it

When it comes to transforming the culture in favor of life, we should not expect too much from government, writes seminarian Eric Banecker. Rather, we should expect what we're supposed to do ourselves.

Whether with plants or people, adoption helps growth of souls

The wisdom of adopting a house plant or tree that someone no longer wants strikes Maureen Pratt as an analogy for the adoption of a child, and the love and grace that come to an adoptive family.