
Make visiting the elderly a high tech, no tech, work of mercy

Sister Constance Veit suggests hooking up with desperately lonely older people through a video service, or better yet, through real, in-person face time. Better still, share a meal and a memory with them.

With a new year, another ‘good thing’ for the family schedule

In their Marriage Matters column, Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain discuss what to do when one spouse wants to add one more activity or volunteer opportunity to an already busy life, and the other spouse does not.

10 moments to watch in 2016

With all of Philadelphia’s sports teams ending 2015 in a four-part harmony chorus of “Wait til Next Year,”’s editor, Matthew Gambino, looks at 10 things Catholics can keep an eye on in the new year.

Catholic agencies glad for break in Pa. budget impasse

Amy Hill reviews how Catholic social service agencies, health care facilities and education -- especially the EITC and OSTC programs -- will benefit from the partial resolution of the six-month standoff for a state spending plan.

Offer kindness and mercy in a troubled world

Love overcomes all, even in a world that seems more heartless than heartwarming, writes Father Eugene Hemrick. He advises during Christmas that we focus on mercy not for our own sanctification but selflessly for our neighbor's sake.

Showing support and solidarity at Omaha’s Islamic center

Visiting an Islamic Center in Omaha, Neb., Effie Caldarola explores the impact of recent political rhetoric on members of the Muslim community.

New opportunities for religious to teach in urban schools as part of formation process

Father Byron highlights how prospective members of a religious community could become qualified teachers in urban areas while they are in formation.

Faith in a work of fiction a good fit for the Year of Mercy

John Woods, editor-in-chief of Catholic New York, shares his conversation with Jesuit Father James Martin and how his first novel, "The Abbey," resonates with the Year of Mercy.

Good decisions can be made at any age

Karen Osborne discusses how young people can make good decisions and avoid making bad ones.

Prayer of Cardinal John Newman provides inspiration for the New Year

Father John Catoir writes about Cardinal John Newman who can serve as a source of inspiration as we approach the New Year.