
Starting a culture of inclusion in the classroom

People with disabilities are human, too, and they want what everyone wants. Some young people are getting the message by being a friend, not an obstacle, writes Karen Osborne.

Seduction of assisted suicide is no way to die

Writer Moises Sandoval knows about living with pain to the point of death -- his own. He also knows a more lasting remedy: compassion.

No matter what you seek in life, keep Christ close

Jesus loves you -- remembering that and making him the Lord of your life is fundamental, writes Father John Catoir.

A martyr of our time is worth remembering

Effie Caldarola writes of the lessons from modern martyrs like the Jesuit priest killed tending his flock in Syria's ongoing civil war.

Children, abortion and the feds’ Christmas surprise

The church is helping migrant children but the federal HHS wants to guarantee them access to abortion, writes John Garvey. Are we willing to make victims suffer more in order to make abortions happen more often?

Leading from the center, not the top

In a "geometry of leadership," Jesuit Father William Byron prefers leaders standing in the center of a circle to the precarious top of a pyramid.

When commenting on service, honesty need not be brutal

Offer criticism of your customer service experience with kindness and compassion, and you make a brighter, more livable world, writes Maureen Pratt.

Practice austerity before nature makes it mandatory

Father Eugene Hemrick sees in California and Oregon two examples of living with less, and how hard it can be for people to accept change.

A code of civility for the Internet

After reading the means things people wrote about a dying woman's decision, Erick Rommel thinks online wags should disagree without being disagreeable.

Trip to Mars begins in a classroom

The history of flight and its future into space wouldn't be possible without teenagers learning from those dreamers who went before, writes Karen Osborne.