
Listen to the cries of the poor — and act

More than 45 million people in the U.S. live below the poverty line. An editorial argues that fighting poverty, in all its complexities, requires us to protect human life and dignity.

One-child families may change society

In a world in which birthrates are falling and one child becomes the family norm, John Garvey wonders what will happen to brother love and sisterly affection.

Help for 50 million refugees starts with 5

Columnist Effie Caldarola joined volunteers to spruce up an apartment to welcome some of the worldwide refugees settling in the U.S. with loss, yet hope, in their hearts.

Business school trains today’s church leaders

A partnership between the Archdiocese of New York and Villanova offers a master's in church management, which is what the church needs, writes Father William Byron.

A Chrism Mass moment of hidden beauty

St. Charles seminarian John Howarth had a busy day serving around the altar for the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday. He witnessed a profound priestly gesture untold until now.

When the price of great expectations is too high

Eric Rommel recalls a bright and promising friend from college who, unbeknownst to his friends, starting using drugs to deal with pressure, until his death by overdose.

Religious freedom laws as safeguard in Indiana, and elsewhere

An editorial argues that religious freedom restoration laws go beyond the one issue of same-sex marriage. Catholics should speak up to defend freedom of conscience.

Honey, I’d like to be a deacon

Permanent Deacon Paul McBlain and his wife Helen have advice for a man discerning his vocation to the diaconate, and his wife’s misgivings: Pray, discuss and pray!

School-choice tax credits have proven ROI

Amy Hill notes the solid track record of Pa.'s EITC and OSTC education scholarships. They're investments that deserve the increase state legislators are seeking.

Stations of the Cross: An ancient devotion that lives anew

Did you know the stations were once prayed in reverse? Father Gus Puleo reviews the devotion's history and its annual live reenactment in his parish.