
From death to life: How recovery can help many

Columnist Father John Catoir reflects on the lessons of forgiveness, humility and the joy of being alive, courtesy of the 12-step addiction recovery process.

A preferential option for diplomacy

Negotiating with terrorists, or rather their agents, has gotten columnist Steve Kent's goat. But he does believe that bringing financial and other pressure -- banks, not bullets -- is better than war.

When words can hurt for years

Today's bullies use their words and their thoughts to cause significant damage in person and online. Columnist Karen Osborne knows the experience all too well.

Now that school’s out, what’s in?

No youngster has more hours or days in a summer week than any other, and all can engage in volunteer or community service, writes Jesuit Father William Byron. Boredom is not an option for those who have a pulse and even a modest measure of ambition.

How domestic abuse starts

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain pose the issue of a husband who starts to control his wife’s finances, then her job prospects, then her relationships. They advise counseling and looking at the behavior for what it really is.

Helping to find the gateways out of poverty

Amy Hill of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference describes an initiative in the state legislature that seeks to go “upstream” to the source of poverty and find solutions to the persistent problem, despite the billions spent on easing it.

Natural law and same-sex marriage

Columnist Steve Kent echoes the U.S. Catholic bishops by saying that government should adhere to natural law by promoting the common good and upholding authentic marriage. If doing so is ruled unconstitutional, as in recent court decisions, then change the Constitution, he writes.

Official at local Israeli consulate lauds pope’s visit to Holy Land

"Peace, Faith and Tolerance" was the theme of Israel's welcome to Pope Francis in his just-concluded visit. The consul general of Israel in this region was encouraged by the pope's friendship with the Jewish people and concern for Palestinians, and hopes that the words of the theme take root in the all too often stony soil of the Middle East.

These days, making small talk is a big job

From personal sensitivities to taboo topics, making casual conversation is harder than ever. Maureen Pratt offers ways to avoid the potholes, get to know one another and communicate Christ.

Climate change as a pro-life issue

The problem of climate change is a human life issue of enormous proportions, according to a guest editorial. The church has an opportunity to use its resources, academic experts and parochial structures to educate people. The solution lies in a love for God's creation as much it does in our instinct for self-preservation.