Hope thrives for lives born and unborn
It wasn't the first March for Life that David Savage attended, but it may have been the most hope-filled. As he marched for respect for human life he also works to uplift the dignity of all people through the Papal Foundation.
U.S. Ukrainian bishops appeal for peace in besieged homeland
In a joint statement, the Ukrainian Catholic leaders urge all Americans to pray, be informed and support relief of Ukrainians facing an escalation of hostilities they have endured by Russians since 2014.
Telling the good, and sometimes disquieting, news of the church
The church's evangelizing mission needs the gift of honest Catholic journalism because it shows the church's commitment to truth and worthiness of trust, argues an editorial on the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of communications.
Meekness: The third beatitude
Among the beatitudes, the most misunderstood is likely meekness. How many people aspire to it? It points to self-discovery and is lifelong work, writes Sister Mary Lea Hill.
Gain real strength by relearning tenderness
In a culture that values power, it's hard to understand what Jesus means when he says, "Blessed are the meek." The answer is being radically present to our wounds, writes Lindsey Weishar.
Where were you, God?
God suffers with us even in tragedies like the Philadelphia house fire. Effie Caldarola's thoughts turn to the boy who survived and who needs our refuge and support.
Contraception, abortion and splitting the atom of human sexuality
In his encyclical "Humanae Vitae," Pope Paul VI predicted the dire consequences of manipulating the marital act, as current statistics on poverty, violence against women and human trafficking attest, writes Gina Christian.
Four ways that mourning is a blessing
Paulist Father Richard Andre shows how the "sure and certain hope" we hold as Catholics that life is changed, not ended, can help us live the beatitude to "comfort those who mourn."
How do we comfort those who mourn?
One woman's gentle presence as a parish ministry leader enables her to serve the needs of grieving parishioners, a key to evangelization and to living the second beatitude.
Americans aren’t as far apart as we think
Despite ample distrust, our differences are not as huge as we fear, writes Greg Erlandson. Parishes could bring people together for acts of service where diverse Catholics can work shoulder to shoulder on what unites us.