
Addiction’s destruction of the future

Columnist Erick Rommel thinks about an old friend who died from drug addition. He wonders why he didn't see the signs earlier, and wonders about the future that will never be. Mostly, he just misses his friend.

Marriage looks much like the Easter story

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has designated a week in February as National Marriage Week for us to celebrate the blessings of traditional marriage. Carolyn Woo reflected on her native Southeast Asia and a region that shows alarming rates of decline in marriage.

It’s time to end an economy of exclusion

Income inequality doesn't stir much interest other than in those at the very bottom or at very top, writes columnist Stephen Kent. But the vast middle can bring about fundamental, systemic change, the kind called for by Catholic social teaching.

You can’t go back in time, but you can learn from mistakes

In a grief support group, columnist Bill Dodds remembers his wife's sayings and their life together. Regrets -- he's had a few -- are part of life but we can grow from them. The grief is awful, but the love was worth it.

What I learned in the Philippines

Seven cargo ships ran aground in the Anibong region of Tacloban City during Typhoon Haiyan, or Yolanda, as it's called in the Philippines. Three months later, children run and play around the mud-encrusted rudders of one ship.

Media misinterprets the pope’s message to the world

Commentator Peter Lachance finds it remarkable that liberal news sources are complimentary of Pope Francis' Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”), while conservative news sources are critical of it. We must ensure that youths learn to interpret for themselves what they read, hear and watch, rather than relying on the media’s interpretation.

For wife, retirement is no time to slow down

Deacon Paul and Helen McBlain write in their Marriage Matters column about the tensions when one spouse wants to spend retirement relaxing at home while the other wants to volunteer, almost full time.

The basics of caring for our eyes at all ages

Maureen Pratt sees the value in regular screening for conditions of the eyes and simple tips for healthy eyesight.

The light and divinity of Byzantine art

Columnist Father Eugene Hemrick is thinking about the gaunt figures and priceless gold and glass elements of Byzantine-style mosaic art. It still has much to teach people today about Christianity, human culture and Christ our king.

The degeneration of words as weapons

Columnist Effie Caldarola is appalled by how easily and rapidly speech degenerates into hate speech and racial innuendo. We must evaluate what we read and hear with thoughtfulness, and respond with words chosen carefully on the scale of love.