
How do we respond to the anger in our nation?

Face masks seem to have brought out the anger in many people, Effie Caldarola observes. Negativity is contagious, but so is positivity, so she resolves to be the one who observes people around her and reacts with kindness.

Becoming what we receive, for better or worse

We can respond to anger and insult with more of the same, or we can become the Eucharist we receive -- the meaning of communion -- which by the gift of grace can change us little by little for the good, writes Mary Marrocco.

California takes a club to St. Serra

Junípero Serra cannot be condemned for events that occurred centuries before his birth, or decades after his death. But he is being scapegoated by California politicians who resent the Catholic Church's teachings and other issues, writes John Garvey.

Women leading the way in charitable giving

In the majority of American households, women are the driving force behind charitable giving. Sarah Hanley describes the giving circles of the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia that can empower more women to support charities.

Building a faith foundation for Generation Z

People born after 1996 are America's loneliest group, according to studies. They've never known a time without war, and lived through two economic recessions and huge social upheavals. Writer and father Dennis Coday tries to help his young adult sons continue the journey begun at home.

Better late than never for a religious vocation

Data show the declining numbers of new priests, seminarians and religious, so Maureen Pratt shines light on efforts to encourage people in their 40s, who have been in the workforce for years, to discern a vocation to priesthood and religious life.

Running to each other in need

A mother will rush to the cries of her child without loving her other children any less. So must God our Father, writes Laura Kelly Fanucci, be pleased when we care for the suffering amongst us, with compassion.

Trapped in the self

Nothing could be more alien to our self-absorbed culture, or more desperately needed, than the concept that human flourishing comes from loving God above all and a neighbor as oneself, writes Richard Doerflinger.

When our children leave the faith

Greg Erlandson is among a growing number of parents worried over the absence of religion in their children's lives. The reason might be not hostility, but apathy. It's the biggest challenge for families and parishes.

Shedding light on one of the church’s darkest chapters

The church must look entirely under the rug to recover the stories of all victims of violence, especially courageous Black Catholic women like Ana María de Velasco, including within the context of slavery.