
Snark attack

Once upon a time, if a Vatican document was greeted with snarky putdowns and outright dismissal, one might safely conclude that the document had something to do with sex and that the peanut gallery hooting it down was full of Catholic progressives mocking the lame-brained celibates who produced it. No longer. Take, for example, the […]

Pope Benedict’s interfaith peace summit: ‘Violence never again!’

“Yes, it is true, in the course of history, force has also been used in the name of the Christian faith. We acknowledge it with great shame,” said Pope Benedict XVI in October during the gathering of world religious leaders in Assisi for a day of reflection, dialogue and prayer for peace and justice in […]

School choice victory in the Senate

Pennsylvania students and their families are one step closer to getting assistance in exercising their right to choose a school they believe best meets their needs. Oct. 27 the Pennsylvania Senate passed Senate Bill 1, the Opportunity Scholarship Act, by a vote of 27-22. The measure will now be considered by the House of Representatives […]

School choice offers fairness, justice

“I’m failing in school. I try, but I’m not making it. I just don’t want to take another test and see another bad grade. A lot of kids in my class don’t try at all. A friend and a cousin go to a Catholic school, but my family can’t afford that. My mom tells me […]

Life to the full

Every year since 1972 the Catholic Church in the United States has chosen October as Respect Life Month. As recent events have shown, the need to proclaim the sanctity of life at all stages remains the preeminent challenge of our time.

Conscience Rights Violated by Sweeping HHS Contraceptive Mandate

Take Action at by September 30 In implementing the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the new health care reform law), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently issued a rule requiring almost all private health plans to cover contraception and sterilization as “preventive services” for women. The mandate even […]

Society of the Holy Child Jesus Sisters are happy to make a commitment for life

  You can count on children to cut to the heart of the issue. Two preschoolers were overheard discussing their grandfather’s retirement: The older sister explained to her sibling, “Now Grandpa has time to play.” The younger child wondered aloud, “Does he know how to play?” The comment, while quite sweet, is also revealing. Commitment […]

Good still triumphed

Over the past few days we have seen coverage from every angle of Sept. 11, 2001. We, as a community of believers, came together to remember and heal. We need to remember, that even in the face of evil that those four planes caused, good still triumphed.

Cyberbullying’s latest victim

Cyberbullying has claimed another beautiful life. This has to stop. It just has to stop. On July 19, Australian teen Daani Sanders killed herself. Her friends say that the Sydney student was constantly bullied online and in person, and that it got so bad that her parents removed her from school and tried to get […]

The important words sound the same

Blisters on my feet, sweat down my back, sunburn on my nose, bruises on my legs, cross around my neck, and a song in my heart: this is how I returned to JFK International Airport after spending 11 days (Aug. 12 to 23) in Madrid, Spain for 2011 World Youth Day.