
EcoPhilly launches local effort to take better care of creation

Backed by Archbishop Pérez and led by Nicholas Collura and John Humphreys, the group is empowering Catholic parishioners to take up ways of combatting climate change, caring for local wildlife and practicing environmental stewardship.

Know the challenges of autism, encourage people with it

Despite their difficulties in interpreting social cues, people with autism have unique gifts to bring and a right to a place at the table of the Body of Christ, writes Maureen Pratt.

Diminished and divided: where to now?

Worrying downward trend lines of religious affiliation in the present and future means business as usual won't be an option, even amidst a politically polarized faithful, writes Greg Erlandson.

Let me be your servant

The pandemic's shut downs forced a huge exodus of volunteers from the good work of serving others, writes Effie Caldarola. With vaccinations picking up, a return to servant ministry beckons.

Lamb: Saving grace central to Jewish, Christian faiths

The gentle lamb has deep religious symbolism, appearing as a sacrificial saving grace from Exodus through the New Testament. See a recipe for rack of lamb with gremolata and pistaschio couscous.

Mary meets women in the crossroads of life

Valerie Lewis-Mosley led a virtual retreat March 20 that focused on how the Mother of God comes close to women when they call on her, especially during times of trouble.

As technology awes, it reminds us of our humanity

Technology is a powerful tool, but it pales in comparison to the power of God and his ability to use our earthly experience to reach us with his saving love, writes Brett Robinson.

Our long Lent is far from over — but signs of Easter are everywhere

The list of sacrifices in the past year is long, but America's responses to the COVID pandemic are a testament to the creative ingenuity that is possible when society works together for the common good.

Mother of murdered son cites reason for deadly violence: racism

During a prison visit with survivors of Philadelphia's wave of fatal shootings, Father Paul Morrissey recounts the insights of Victoria, who speaks so that other families will not also mourn.

Open your heart to God’s love by caring for those in need

Charitable fund management and consulting by the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia strengthen the discipleship of faithful donors and ministries, writes Sarah Hanley.