
Keep childlike joy in our greatest hope: the return of Jesus

Like Katie Prejean McGrady's little daughter awaiting the ice cream truck, we too don't know when our Lord will come again, but we pray diligently with hearts ready for the promised day.

To listen, to teach: Church journeys with humanity in year of pandemic

An American member of the Pontifical Academy for Life says its works reminds all people to discern the call of the good in uncertain times, to share in serious thinking and to speak with hope in the tenderness of God.

Celebrating 100th anniversary with Pope Francis

Reflecting with the pope on the mission of Catholic News Service to serve the church was a rare and privileged opportunity, writes Greg Erlandson, who pledges to continue honoring the trust of readers.

Add and multiply to subtract our losses

In a time when we feel deeply divided and we've lost so much, Laura Kelly Fanucci offers ways we can make a small difference to bring a sea change. Then God can multiply the rest.

Communicating through encounter

An editorial argues that just as it is news media's job to present an accurate and balanced flow of news -- separate from opinion -- so it's also critical for people to filter out the real news from the fake.

4 reasons to get vaccinated and ‘save ourselves together’

Msgr. Renzo Pegoraro of the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life says the approved COVID-19 vaccines are safe and ethical, and accepting it expresses our responsibility to work for the common good.

The perils of social and political isolation

Richard Doerflinger describes how Americans are gathering in tribes that nurture internal solidarity and contempt for other tribes. Our leaders become isolated from criticism, as with President Biden and the Hyde Amendment.

A little girl with a big message

One powerful witness to the sanctity of human life never spoke a word, but her silent testimony still echoes, writes Gina Christian.

Reclaim the dining room table as sacred space, not work space

Technology has distorted our sense of place which is deeply important, the place where we feel most human, writes Brett Robinson. Even now we must reconnect with ourselves and our loved ones over a meal.

Some questions about bishops’ statements

Father Thomas Dailey examines the kerfuffle over a bishop's statement on President Biden's inauguration to ask what a "statement" means in the digital age, and how one saint may show a better way.