
Paying a just price for carbon emissions

In response to rapid and dangerous global warming, carbon pricing creates economic incentives for producers and consumers to reduce their carbon emissions, writes Carolyn Woo. The Vatican-endorsed mechanism places the costs on those who are most responsible for the problem.

The well, and the future, are drying up

Climate change from our reckless exploitation of nature has turned a time-honored source of water into dust for Moises Sandoval's family ranch. Unbelief and inaction in the face of nature's warnings will result in more losses, unless we have a change of heart.

New ministry offers care for the caregiver

"Nourish for Caregivers" offers emotional, spiritual and practical support to those who dedicate themselves to supporting the elderly and persons with disabilities, writes caregiver consultant Aimee Gustitis.

Blessed John Newman modeled courage, faith for today

Anyone who has met rejection for defending the truths of the Catholic faith can find comfort in the soon-to-be canonized English bishop, a convert to the faith. He knew everyone has a unique calling by God.

What country music can teach the church

The "three chords and the truth" artistry of a genre that developed in America's poor, rural areas speaks to the hearts of diverse people, writes Effie Caldarola. For that reason, liturgical music should take note.

Archbishop Chaput, model bishop for the New Evangelization

George Weigel finds in the archbishop of Philadelphia a man of courage whom the fathers of the Second Vatican Council envisioned as the ideal diocesan bishop in the third millennium of Christian history.

When cancer strikes, all are called to ministry of healing

Wendell Scanterbury, who directs pastoral care for Cancer Centers of America in Philadelphia, urges Catholic parishes to launch a ministry of care and compassion to cancer sufferers and their caregivers.

The ministry of making room — for baby, for stranger

As Laura Kelly Fanucci's body stretches to make space for someone new, so she sees parallels in our church -- scoot over to welcome someone into your pew -- and our nation, to widen the love God asks us to share.

Most Americans want conscience protection, some politicians don’t

Richard Doerflinger finds it disturbing that some Democratic Party leaders have turned against religious freedom protections, such as not forcing doctors to perform objectionable procedures, which the party supported in 1993.

Don’t live in a monastery? That’s OK, this grace is for you

As monasteries of the Visitation of Holy Mary around the world, including in Philadelphia, continue their tradition of contemplative prayer, everyone can join them this year and realize God's grace, writes Father Thomas Dailey.