
When ‘going home again’ becomes a lesson in humility

Effie Caldarola enjoys a Labor Day parade in her old hometown, and finds few people today remember the prominent leaders of the past. Humility is accepting each fleeting, God-filled moment, she writes.

In praise of today’s seminarians

If you’re feeling down about the future of Catholicism in the U.S. as crises continue to roil the church, note that seminaries haven't emptied. Young men are stepping up in love, and a grateful George Weigel is impressed.

When you see goodness all around, there’s reason for hope

It's hard to find hope in the church or ourselves. The source of hope, and what our eyes should remain open to, is that God loves us, that Christ saves us and that he is very much alive, writes Katie Prejean McGrady.

To change the world, see the cross lifted high

The cross is worn, displayed in homes, set in roadside memorials and carried in churches, and gazing upon it can show us a different world. The gift of imagination can unlock the power of the cross of Christ to transform us, writes Oblate Father Thomas Dailey.

Restless hunger of the heart meets God’s lavish banquet of grace

As college student Laura Lindmeier begins her senior year, she reflects on her summer full of grace and her relationship with Jesus .The hungrier she is for his love, the more she seeks him.

The climate crisis and our chilling absence of urgency

Most Americans want aggressive action on climate change but will sacrifice little for it, writes Carolyn Woo. Meanwhile, the world continues to heat faster -- with costly consequences.

On NFL’s centennial, character of one man still stands out

George Weigel remembers the moral courage of pro football legend Gino Marchetti, the star defensive end who stood up to racism in his day and led men by his towering example.

With new series, we’re equipping Catholics to prepare for change editor Matthew Gambino tells of a new series on Catholic life in the Philadelphia Archdiocese, and how knowing the facts of our current reality will help forge a course in the near future.

The language of humble love and service

Generations of Little Sisters of the Poor led elderly individuals back to the practice of their Catholic faith through quiet charity. That witness by everyone is needed now more than ever, writes Sister Constance Veit.

Who is ignoring women’s health?

As Planned Parenthood walks away from $60 million in federal funding for women's health programs -- under a hail of criticism at the Trump administration -- Richard Doerflinger examines a motive for the move.