
Saying thank you for the many blessings in our lives

During this month of Thanksgiving, Sarah Hanley of the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia writes, “I realize there are so many things I am thankful for, but perhaps above all, I am grateful for my faith which guides, restores, and anchors me."

No Learning Loss in Catholic Schools

While many schools across the nation reported that students fell behind due to distance learning during the COVID pandemic that was not the case with local Catholic schools. Students enrolled in the parish and regional Catholic elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia advanced in grade-level learning during the COVID19 pandemic.

Surprising Pilgrimage of Faith

Father Eric Banecker reflects on his time leading a group of pilgrims to Italy and a moment of faith that stands out from the trip.

Planned gifts ensure your legacy, and Catholic values

Making a commitment now to a legacy gift enables donors to powerfully support their favorite charities, without depleting their present resources, writes Peggy Sweeney of The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia.

Uncovering the roots of fanaticism

At a time when fear is being weaponized, prudent minds and a fervent desire for truth are more needed than ever, writes Father Eugene Hemrick.

Catholic college president: Generalizing cost of higher education misses the mark

Debate about student loan forgiveness overshadows the fact that affordable, academically excellent education is available at a number of Pennsylvania schools, writes Dr. Jonathan Peri of Manor College.

Russia shows the real face of evil in its war on Ukraine

Divine revelation enables faithful to accurately discern evil, such as Russia's genocidal war in Ukraine -- and to respond with courage and justice, writes Gina Christian.

Expanding the circle of protection for those on death row

Although Catholic teaching rejects capital punishment, faithful in a divisive and highly political U.S. can often hold inconsistent views on the value of human life, writes Greg Erlandson.

Women in Philanthropy Forum: Gathering to give hope

The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia will once again host its annual forum Oct. 26, building a community of charitable giving and empowering women as leaders, writes Sarah Hanley.

Busing migrants to states another reminder reform is ‘long overdue’

Programs to transport asylum-seekers from the southern U.S. border to other cities overlook the core issues of immigration and of Catholic social teaching, writes retired Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of Brooklyn.