
A clear eye on the whitewashing of Planned Parenthood

The movie "Unplanned" is doing well at the box office, even as many critics viciously panned it. Richard Doerflinger lays out facts to answer critics' defenses of Planned Parenthood, urging greater scrutiny of it.

The women who stayed

Laura Kelly Fanucci regrets missing how women’s work and witness are too often overlooked and unseen. Women are called to stay faithful -- then and now. We would not be here without them.

How washing dishes can spark joy

Brett Robinson's kids don't like one more chore, but when the busy family's dishwasher broke and dishes needed to be hand-washed, a funny thing happened: The family slowed down and paid attention.

Road to true progress

God has put order into our hearts, and a heartfelt conversion of heart toward that order by each person is the best way toward progress, writes Father Eugene Hemrick.

Like women at the tomb, it takes courage to witness Jesus

Everyone can be like the faithful women bearing myrrh to Christ's tomb and bear the Good News every day by putting aside conventional thinking in order to care for one another, writes Sister Catherine Ward.

Look at what we’ve done

Society is pushing new pornography that is more addictive and destructive than ever, but Catholic University President John Garvey is proud that students voted to block porn on campus computers.

The Easter Effect today

Two millennia ago the disciples of Jesus finally understood what "rising from the dead" meant. Today despite the despondence Catholics feel, there are living signs of renewal in the church, as George Weigel points out.

A letter in the inbox of every young Catholic

Pope Francis has written a letter to everyone under 30, but anyone who is young in spirit should take it to heart, writes Greg Erlandson on the pontiff's personal advice on good living and decision making.

Notre Dame’s stones point forward

The treasures of Notre Dame Cathedral aren't merely a part of France’s past but a beacon of hope and a sign for the future, writes a Catholic journalist who found his faith in the cathedral a decade ago.

Get outside and the take the Bible with you

God's word was made for outdoors, writes Effie Caldarola, who with poet Wendell Berry notes the "thin place" where the boundaries that separate us from God slip away and we can appreciate life's miracles.