
Seven saints of February show the high cost of love

Sister Annette Pelletier enjoys the hearty decorations of Valentine's Day. But this is also the month of martyrs who shed their blood for Christ. They show how to face the cross of our own daily hardships.

Now we know why Catholic journalism matters

Peter Steinfels' exposé of the Pa. grand jury report showed there is a crying need for professional Catholic journalism that is dedicated to truth and rebuilding trust in an age when it's in short supply.

Let the elderly teach us a ‘sense of eternity’

In the midst of our frenetic, polarized and materialistic world the elderly remind Sister Constance Veit of eternal values which are often unseen, but which alone give life beauty and true meaning.

Clearly, good writing is needed more than ever

For university president John Garvey, clarity in self-expression is essential to success in all the disciplines that young people are flocking to these days, especially the sciences.

The courageous honesty of Peter Steinfels

The distinguished editor and author thoroughly analyzed the latest Pennsylvania grand jury report on clerical sex abuse, showing that the document was "inaccurate" and "misleading," writes George Weigel.

A frightened people

Many U.S. Hispanics, most of whom are Catholic, live in a constant state of fear due to prejudice and unjust immigration laws, writes Hosffman Ospino. Our faith calls us to stand in solidarity with them.

‘Why I send my children to Catholic school’

When Effie Caldarola checked on how a Catholic school dealt with an earthquake in Alaska, she learned the impact of our tactile faith on students. One can't put a price tag on the faith experience from Catholic schools.

Building a wall against life

New York's new abortion law not only repeals provisions such as requiring a woman's consent for an abortion, it also goes against the grain of public opinion that favors abortion restrictions, writes Richard Doerflinger.

To rebuild the church, renovate the interior home

Attempts to "fix" the institutional church will fall short if the transformation is not happening in our homes and interior lives, writes Brett Robinson. If we focus on what is inside we can begin to make headway toward renewal.

Dad blows the whistle on CYO sports on Sundays

A local parishioner and father of young CYO athletes finds it absurd that games are scheduled on a day of rest. Kids should be spending time with families, not traveling across the region for games.