
Stop the competition: In the Body of Christ, we’re all in this together

While doing the dishes, moms can get in a funk comparing themselves to other people doing "amazing things." But Jessica Carney knows where to find support. We're not in a race, we're in a church.

Don’t diss the comics, they’re a source of inspiration

Characters created by the late Stan Lee, as shown in recent comic book movies, have given very positive messages about the human spirit -- despite the comments of some comedians, writes Richard Doerflinger.

As parish numbers plummet, fall in love with Jesus, again

In a time of decline in Mass attendance, Gina Christian explores what it means to be church: Are we about having more bodies in the pews, or in building a true body of Christ? Are we running the numbers like a business, or running back to Jesus?

Giving thanks for Thanksgiving

A painful root canal recently inspired Greg Erlandson to reflect on his many blessings. Such gratitude is needed more than ever in a time of fear, hostility and scandal.

Thanksgiving invites us to heal divisions, live in charity

Finding gratitude for all God has provided, especially in the midst of crises in our world and our church, helps us to transcend selfishness and serve one another.

Say an ‘Ave’ for Ireland, now embracing a culture of death

After repealing its constitutional ban on abortion, the Irish government is now working to compel medical providers -- including Catholic health care systems -- to perform abortions, writes John Garvey.

Remembering a radical Catholic with gratitude

November, which kicks off the holiday season and its excess, is a good time to remember Dorothy Day, writes Effie Caldarola. A devout Catholic and social activist, Day challenged the church to live out the Gospel fully.

Path for church reform goes through Rome

Although the U.S. bishops' meeting did not result in urgent church reforms, some progress was made, writes Greg Erlandson. Dialogue between the bishops and the Vatican continues, with both sides seeking action.

Vocation programs show Power of the Priesthood

The director of the archdiocesan vocations office reports on efforts to raise awareness of people's calling to religious life, through archdiocese-wide programs and a moving new video on one priest, Father Doug McKay.

Immigration rules and the law of love

Gina Christian, a descendant of hard-working immigrants, knows Jesus stands with migrants. He awaits the compassion of citizens, that he might say, “I was … a stranger and you welcomed me.”