
Priests: A history of making a difference

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T In 1950, according to “Our Faith-Filled Heritage,” the archdiocesan bicentennial history, there were 1,915 diocesan and religious order priests in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia serving 1,058,058 Catholics. That was a peak time, with one priest to every 552 people. Figures published in the 2009 archdiocesan Catholic Directory show 989 […]

A glimpse of life at the seminary

By Nadia Maria SmithCS&T Staff Writer WYNNEWOOD – Come and see. A retreat weekend at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary is the perfect way to experience a day in the life of a seminarian. “When the Apostles asked Jesus where he was staying, Jesus said, ‘Come and see.’ He never said, ‘Come, I’ll make you a […]

A priest, or two, in the family

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T As a young man ponders whether or not God wants him to be a priest, family support for his decision can be crucial. Some local parents are giving, or have given, just that. For example, James and Pat Welsh, along with Joseph and Lee Brandt, feel blessed to have […]

Four priests touched lives in profound ways

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T It is in the nature of ministry. Priests, through the performance of their daily work, can profoundly influence lives, sometimes without even realizing it. Take the case of Father Andrew Francis Klarmann. It was around 1928 in the Brooklyn Diocese. He visited an immigrant Italian Catholic couple struggling to […]

Offering answers to a young man’s questions

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Realizing a vocation to the priesthood begins with that first step. Think of it as something like going into the water at Ocean City in early June. You think you’ll probably enjoy it but dread the initial cold shock. It’s all a matter of getting one’s feet wet. Young […]

Child stricken by cancer focus of St. Helena fundraiser

By Nadia Maria SmithCS&T Staff Writer BLUE BELL – There are no words to describe the devastation and fear that enter parents’ hearts when they hear their child has cancer. It was no different for Ron and Nancy Shapiro when they found out that their then-2-year-old son, John, had a brain tumor. Little John had […]

Work of Christmas during Ordinary Time

By Sister Ruth BolarteSpecial to The CS&T During this season of Christmas I had the opportunity to again watch one of my favorite movies, “The Fourth Wise Man.” This is the story of one of the wise men in the Middle East, Artaban, who longed to meet the newborn King the prophets had announced. Artaban […]

Parish network isn’t just about business

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T MORTON – It’s got people in real estate, insurance, roofing, picture framing, carpet laying, heating and cooling – you name it. It’s the Business Persons Network of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Morton, and there are about 50 active members, according to Lorraine Ranalli, the founding force […]

Two fish, five loaves and a community full of love

By MSGR. HUGH SHIELDSSpecial to the CS&T In John’s Gospel (Chapter 6) we hear Jesus ask His disciples: “Where can we buy enough food to feed all these people?” (Jesus is referring to the 5,000 who had gathered near the Lake of Galilee to listen to Him). And from Andrew’s lips comes the reply: “There […]

¡Dos pescados, cinco panes y una comunidad llena de amor!

De nuestro vicarioMons. Hugh J. Shields En el Evangelio de san Juan (Capítulo 6) escuchamos a Jesús preguntar a sus discípulos: «¿Cómo compraremos pan para que coman estos?» (Jesús se refiriere a las cinco mil personas que se habían reunido cerca del mar de Galilea para escucharlo). Y de los labios de Andrés salió la […]