
Roe v. Wade y el testimonio Christiano, 41 años después

La Marcha por la vida este mes de enero, como cada mes de enero en las últimas décadas, recuerda a la nación que matar a un niño por nacer nunca es un asunto privado. El aborto es una forma exclusivamente íntima de violencia –pero violencia con amargas consecuencias públicas.

Los regalos que nos dejan los gigantes

Terminamos otra temporada de dar regalos. Esto es fácil cuando compartimos con amigos y familiares, es difícil cuando lo hacemos para responder al llanto de los pobres cerca o lejos. Regalar, responder con empatía, “meterte en el lodo con el pueblo”, como declaró el médico de Nueva York Kevin Cahill mientras describía en una de mis recientes columnas su lucha contra epidemias por todo el mundo, es ciertamente una preciosa cualidad humana.

La Semana Nacional de Migración y el objetivo de la reforma migratoria, 2014

Jan. 19 is the Catholic Church's World Day of Migrants and Refugees. CatholicPhilly.com presents Archbishop Charles Chaput's recent column, "National Migration Week and the goal of immigration reform, 2014," in Spanish.

January newsletter: Office for Hispanic Catholics

Read about Catholic events and useful information of interest to Latino Catholics -- in Spanish and English.

Dallas marks JFK assassination anniversary with prayers and solemnity

DALLAS (CNS) -- Under cloudy skies and blustery winds, thousands of people gathered Nov. 22 at the spot where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated 50 years ago to the day, a tribute to his legacy and a ceremony many local officials also hoped would finally wipe the stain away from Dallas' darkest day.

Author’s ‘what if’ offers fascinating view of JFK’s second term

Author Jeff Greenfield probes what might have been if on that rainy day in Dallas the sun had not come out and the plastic "bubble" on the presidential car had not been removed. If it had stayed on, Greenfield plausibly posits, the shots that hit the president might have been serious, but not fatal.

Washington cathedral, site of Kennedy funeral in ’63, is ‘holy ground’

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- On Nov. 25, 1963, a television audience of millions of people around the world prayerfully bid farewell to President John F. Kennedy, as his flag-draped coffin was placed before the sanctuary of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington, during the funeral Mass for the slain president.

Priest’s presence seen as comfort for Kennedys upon return from Dallas

One Youngstown diocesan priest, the late Father Robert Brengartner, was present to meet the Kennedy family when they returned from Dallas to what was then called the Bethesda Naval Hospital near Washington.

JFK anniversary inspires memories, sadness and regret

The anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination leaves me saddened on many levels. Like other Americans who were alive at the time, I keenly remember how devastated the country was. Looking back, I see how the young JFK was growing in his presidency and imagine what he might have accomplished.

Memoir recalls bishop writing, delivering Kennedy eulogy

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Auxiliary Bishop Philip Hannan of Washington was a close friend and confidant of President John F. Kennedy, but he had kept that friendship secret. Then he was called upon to deliver the eulogy at the funeral Mass for the country's first Catholic president, killed by an assassin in Dallas Nov. 22, 1963. "My own grieving ... would have to wait," wrote then-retired New Orleans Archbishop Hannan in his 2010 memoir. "First lady Jacqueline Kennedy had asked that I deliver the eulogy for her husband -- and my friend."