
Joining together to celebrate Martin Luther King’s Legacy

By Arlene EdmondsSpecial to The CS&T NORRISTOWN – Brotherhood among Christians was the message that resonated most with those who attended the annual archdiocesan liturgy in memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Cardinal Justin Rigali was the celebrant and homilist for the ecumenical prayer service held at St. Patrick Church in Norristown Jan. 17. […]

Rezando por una reforma de inmigración amplia y compasiva

Praying for comprehensive and compassionate immigration reform A lo largo de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia, inmigrantes, miembros de la comunidad y católicos (laicos y dirigentes religiosos) se unieron en vigilias de oración para rezar por una reforma integral de inmigración. Cuarenta y cinco personas se reunieron para rezar en Centro de Bienvenida de las Hermanas […]

St. Patrick in Norristown celebrates 175 years

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T NORRISTOWN – A hundred dollars was a lot of money in the 1830s, well beyond the means of most Irish immigrants. That was the founding population for St. Patrick Church, Norristown, the mother parish for Montgomery County. Many of the founders were drawn to the area for work in […]

Making Christ present in our world

By Sister Ruth Bolarte, I.H.M. On Jan. 5, we celebrated the feast day of St. John Neumann, a saint close to Philadelphia as our fourth bishop. In order to follow God’s call to the priesthood, John Neumann left his homeland, Bohemia, and travelled across the ocean to this new land. Once ordained, he spent most […]

¡Acogiendo a Jesús!

Por Hna. Ruth Bolarte, I.H.M. El pasado 5 de enero, celebramos la fiesta de San Juan Neumann, un santo muy especial para Filadelfia ya que fue su cuarto obispo. San Juan Neumann dejo su tierra, Bohemia, para poder cumplir la llamada de Dios al sacerdocio. Una vez que fue ordenado, pasó la mayor parte de […]

Vocations Holy Hour draws 800 to North Wales

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer NORTH WALES – “We’re storming heaven for future priests from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.” That was the declaration made by Msgr. Philip C. Ricci, pastor of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish in North Wales, Montgomery County, as he smiled upon the 800 Catholics who convened at MMR Church […]

Called to participate: Understanding baptismal and ministerial priesthood

Catechetical SeriesPart 1 First in a series that explains the priesthood during the Church’s Year of the Priest. By Father Robert A. Pesarchick The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that “by Baptism, (the baptized) share in the priesthood of Christ, in his prophetic and royal mission” (CCC, 1268). This baptismal priesthood, also called […]

Capital campaign funds initiatives at Seminary

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer WYNNEWOOD – The $200 million archdiocesan capital and endowment campaign, “Heritage of Faith, Vision of Hope” includes an anticipated allocation of $20 million to St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Wynnewood. Of that amount, $10 million is earmarked for immediate campus infrastructure needs, $4 million for the renovation of the […]

Multicultural ministry is priest’s ‘privilege’

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer Father Angelo J. Hernández, 50, at St. Aloysius Parish in Pottstown, Montgomery County, since 2006. He was ordained a priest for the Philadelphia Archdiocese in 1993. He has also served as parochial vicar at St. Veronica Parish in North Philadelphia, St. William Parish in Northeast Philadelphia and pastoral care […]

A special children’s Christmas party

By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T The bags the 400 children received at their places said it all. “Happy Birthday Jesus.” As Christmas celebrations go, the 54th annual Cardinal’s Christmas Party for Children, held on Dec. 14 at the Sheraton Philadelphia Center City Hotel had everything you could want – marching bands, clowns, jugglers, pageantry […]