Celebrating a year of televised Spanish Masses
By Msgr. Hugh J. Shields In our office we have been blessed to get feedback from many of our elderly and others on the Sunday TV Mass in Spanish. The overriding sentiment is one of gratitude. This Nov. 2 with Cardinal Justin Rigali celebrating the Mass, we commemorate one full year of collaboration with Telemundo […]
Celebrando un año de misas televisadas en español
Por Mons. Hugh J. Shields En nuestra oficina, tenemos la bendición de recibir comentarios de muchos de nuestros ancianos y otras personas acerca de la misa dominical televisada en español; el sentimiento predominante es uno de gratitud. Este dos de noviembre, en la misa celebrada por el cardenal Justin Rigali, estamos conmemorando un año completo […]
Sharing gifts in a time of solace
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T The Oct. 14-16 retreat at Malvern Retreat House, St. Joseph in the Hills, was a special one for special people. It was the annual Our Lady of Confidence Retreat for people with physical or mental disabilities. That’s not the same as the disability that really matters – a crippled […]
Opening our hearts to God through Scripture
By Sister Ruth Bolarte, I.H.M. How can we love someone we do not know? God’s self-revelation has been given to us through Scriptures and Jesus, the Incarnate Word. It is necessary that we are formed in the reading and meditation of the Word so this living Word can become our nourishment and the core of […]
Lectura orante de la Biblia
Por Hna. Ruth Bolarte, I.H.M. ¿Cómo podemos amar a alguien a quien no conocemos? Nuestro Dios se ha revelado y dado a conocer a través de las Escrituras y su Palabra encarnada, Jesús. Es necesario que nos eduquemos en la lectura y meditación de la Palabra para que sea nuestro alimento y centro del compromiso […]
Helping people experience the mercy of God
A director of spiritual formation at St. Charles Seminary reflects on growth in holiness for seminarians, or anyone By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer In the first of a monthly series of questions-and-answers with priests reflecting on their ministries in this Year of the Priest, the CS&T caught up with Father Joseph F. Gleason at […]
Priest helps seniors carry their cross
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer During the Year of the Priest, the CS&T talks with priests in the varied ministries of the priesthood. Msgr. Thomas J. Duane, 66, is a chaplain with the status of senior priest at St. Mary Manor in Lansdale, Montgomery County. St. Mary Manor is a nursing and retirement residence […]
Genesis moves St. Cyril’s youths closer to God
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T JAMISON – It’s a challenge every pastor and director of religious education must face. What happens to the children who do not attend Catholic schools in about sixth grade after they have received the sacrament of confirmation from the hands of a bishop? Hopefully they will attend Mass. But […]
‘Testimonio de nuestra gran fe y herencia hispana’
Homilia del cardenal Justin RigaliMisa de Herencia HispanaCatedral Basílica de San Pedro y San Pablo12 de octubre 2009 Queridos hermanos y hermanas: Año tras año nos reunimos en esta catedral como testimonio de nuestra gran fe y herencia hispana. Nos reunimos para dar gracias a Dios por estar siempre a nuestro lado y caminando con […]
‘Testimony of our great faith and Hispanic Heritage’
Homily of Cardinal Justin RigaliHispanic Heritage MassCathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and PaulOctober 12, 2009 Dear Friends, Every year we gather in this Cathedral as testimony of our great faith and Hispanic heritage. We gather to give thanks to God for always walking with us and being by our side. By means of our faith, […]