A view to discern
Five-day camp helps 25 young men learn to hear God’s callBy Colleen Boyle SharpSpecial to The CS&T JAMISON – Where are you going? This is the question that was posed to the 25 young men who participated in a unique summer camp sponsored by the Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood. Quo Vadis Days, Aug. […]
Misa de herencia hispana se celebrará el 11 de octubre
La Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia, celebrará su procesión y misa anual en reconocimiento de la Herencia Hispana a partir de las 2 p.m. el domingo 11 de octubre, en la Catedral Basílica SS. Pedro y Pablo, 18 St. y el Parkway. El evento anual atrae alrededor de 1.000 fieles de la región para celebrar la spanersidad […]
The priest with no missionary spirit
Between friendsMar Muñoz-Visoso Early in my former life as director of Hispanic ministry, I was entrusted with the task of taking a newly arrived immigrant priest to his assignment at a mountain town two hours from Denver. The man, about 50, had seemingly heard the call by our newly installed archbishop asking that Latin-American bishops […]
El sacerdote que no tenía alma misionera
Entre amigosMar muñoz-Visoso En los primeros años de mi anterior vida como directora de pastoral hispana, me encomendaron la tarea de llevar a un sacerdote inmigrante recién llegado a su nuevo puesto en un pueblo de las montañas a dos horas de Denver. Aparentemente, el hombre, de unos cincuenta años, había escuchado el llamado de […]
Living the Catholic faith at college
By Laura WelchSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – Last year, Temple University junior Karen Bonanno lived with 21 fellow students who had a lot in common: they were all best friends, they all made a commitment to live a life centered on Christ and they were all a part of the Temple University Newman Center. […]
OYYA sponsors local soccer tournament
By John KnebelsSpecial to The CS&T At 9 a.m. on July 25, approximately 100 young men aged 16 to 30 representing seven different parishes attended Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church in Bensalem, Bucks County, before participating in a soccer tournament sponsored by archdiocesan Hispanic Ministry in the Office of Youth and Young Adults […]
Torneo de fútbol en Bensalem un éxito
Por John KnebelsRedacción del CS&T A las 9 a.m. el 25 de julio, aproximadamente 100 jóvenes de edades que variaban de 16 a 30 años, representando siete parroquias, asistieron a la misa en la iglesia Nuestra Señora de Fátima en Bensalem, Condado Bucks, antes de participar en un torneo de fútbol patrocinado por el Ministerio […]
A green and growing place in the city
By Colleen Boyle SharpSpecial to the CS&T Where abandoned houses once stood and crime flourished, seeds of hope are now being planted to give an old neighborhood a new look. About 40 members of the Kensington community looked on as the ribbon was cut at the dedication of the new Catholic Social Service Greenhouse Project […]
Phila. priests go to Peru for ordination of Father Nelson Pastor
By Father William AyresSpecial to the CS&T CAJAMARCA, Peru – On June 29, the Solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul, Nelson Pastor Machuca was ordained a priest by Bishop José Carmelo Martínez Lázaro, O.A.R., in the Cathedral of St. Catherine, of the Diocese of Cajamarca, Peru. His first Mass was celebrated the following day in […]
El padre Nelson Pastor regresa al Perú
Por Padre William AyresRedacción del CS&T El lunes 29 de junio, Nelson Pastor Machuca fue ordenado sacerdote por el obispo José Carmelo Martínez Lázaro, O.A.R., en la Catedral de Santa Catalina de la Diócesis de Cajamarca en Perú. él celebró su primera misa al día siguiente en Manzanilla, en la plaza enfrente de la pequeñita […]