Encyclical seeks economic model that meets long-term sustainability
By Chaz Muth Catholic News Service WASHINGTON – Today’s international economic model requires a new way of understanding business enterprise, Pope Benedict XVI said in his third encyclical, “Caritas in Veritate” (“Charity in Truth”). When business leaders make themselves exclusively answerable to their investors, they limit their enterprise’s social value and often sacrifice long-term sustainability […]
‘Charity in Truth’
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY – Ethical values are needed to overcome the current global economic crisis as well as to eradicate hunger and promote the real development of all the world’s peoples, Pope Benedict XVI said in his new encyclical. The document, “Caritas in Veritate” (“Charity in Truth”) was dated June […]
Social encyclical released
‘Charity in Truth’Encyclical seeks economic model that meets long-term sustainabilityIn new encyclical, Pope calls for sharing earth’s resources equitablyEncyclical: Keeping pro-life sensibility can help during tough timesLove for others requires involvement in politics, Pope saysEncyclical asks unions to protect workers beyond their membership Caritas in veritate(full document) Purchase a print copy Cardinal Justin Rigali on […]
Cardinal Justin Rigali on Encyclical:
“This document is … geared to the needs of the world – the economic needs, the moral needs …at this particular time…. “He is saying that love itself, which is charity, is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace…. He is proposing […]
As Year of St. Paul comes to a close, children show what they’ve learned
By JIM GAUGERSpecial to The CS&T The Year of St. Paul the Apostle – the celebration of his life and teachings – comes to an end on June 29, his feast day. The special jubilee announced by Pope Benedict XVI has been celebrated with liturgies, symposiums and publications. In the Archdiocese of Philadelphia one of […]
Student essay wins award from police department
Editor’s Note: Maite Guachichullca, a Hispanic student from St. Laurence School in Highland Park, won third place for this essay about how to stop violence in the community. The contest was sponsored by the Upper Darby police department. You hear about it in the news, on the radio and everywhere you go, and it is […]
Ensayo estudiantil premiado por la policia
Nota editorial: Maite Guachichullca, una estudiante hispana de la escuela St. Laurence en Highland Park, ganó tercer lugar por su ensayo sobre cómo parar la violencia en la comunidad. El concurso lo patrocinó recientemente el departamento de policia de Upper Darby. Oyes acerca de esto en las noticias, en la radio, en todas partes que […]
Icon of inspiration
More than 1,000 attend enthronement of image at cathedralBy Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – It was an especially spanerse congregation of a thousand or so for the Saturday evening vigil Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul on June 13 as Cardinal Justin Rigali celebrated the Mass for the feast […]
A remembrance of Father Mike
By Msgr. Hugh ShieldsSpecial to the CS&T We are used to hearing kind words about someone when they die. And because we are so accustomed to these phrases, we can very easily lose the thoughts and feelings that these words attempt to convey. Let me share a few phrases that I have heard since the […]
Recordando al Padre Miguel
Por Mons. Hugh ShieldsRedacción del CS&T Estamos acostumbrados a escuchar palabras amables acerca de alguien cuando muere. Y porque estamos tan acostumbrados a estas frases, se pueden perder muy fácilmente los pensamientos y sentimientos que estas palabras intentan comunicar. Permítanme compartir algunas frases que he escuchado desde la reciente y repentina muerte del padre vicentino […]