
First Letter of St. Paul to Latinos
in the United States

Between friendsMar Muñoz-Visoso After a few days of intense work at a meeting in San Antonio, Texas, we were showered with a nice dinner at an excellent restaurant along the River Walk. As in every good Hispanic reunion, the talk was lively and several conversations were happening at the same time. On our side of […]

Primera Carta de San Pablo a los Latinos en Estados Unidos

Entre amigosMar Muñoz-Visoso Después de varios días de intenso trabajo en una reunión en San Antonio, Texas, nos obsequiaron con una cena en un excelente restaurante del Paseo del Río. Como en toda buena reunión de hispanos, la charla estaba interesante y había varias conversaciones sucediendo al mismo tiempo. En nuestro lado de la mesa […]

At St. Luke the Evangelist, Glenside:
Technology to envision the future

By JIM GAUGERSpecial to The CS&T GLENSIDE – Lisa Ortolani, the technology teacher at St. Luke the Evangelist School, says she is always searching the Internet for projects that might interest students. “I knew the teachers were talking about doing a classroom project for the year,” said Ortolani, who holds a master’s degree in instructional […]

Focus on family, work and refuge during the feast of St. Joseph the Worker

By Sister Eileen Marnien, S.S.J.Special to The CS&T May 1 is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. As a Sister of St. Joseph, I embrace this feast and all that it symbolizes – St. Joseph, husband, father, provider, protector, member of a community, a neighborhood, a town. How easy it is to reflect on […]

Familia, trabajo y refugio el enfoque de fiesta de san José Obrero

Por Hermana Eileen Marnien, S.S.J.Redacción del CS&T El primero de mayo es la fiesta de San José Obrero. Como una hermana de San José, yo abrazo esta fiesta y todo lo que simboliza – san José, esposo, padre, proveedor, protector, miembro de una comunidad, un barrio, un pueblo. Que fácil es reflexionar sobre las imágenes […]

Father Judge students harness the power of wind

By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – The school colors at Father Judge High School for Boys are blue and red, but two science classes are going green. Environmental and physical science students at Father Judge High are building a wind turbine that will generate energy to light a memorial dedicated to alumni who […]

Bishops express support for DREAM Act

WASHINGTON – In an April 3 letter to sponsors of the legislation, Bishop John Wester of Salt Lake City, Utah, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Migration, expressed the support of the USCCB for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (or DREAM Act), legislation which would legalize […]

Obispos aplauden introducción de la DREAM act y expresan su apoyo a la propuesta de ley

WASHINGTON – En una carta fechada el tres de abril y dirigida a los promotores de esta legislación, el Obispo John C. Wester de Salt Lake City, presidente del Comité de Obispos sobre Migración, expresó el apoyo de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos (USCCB por sus siglas en inglés) a la propuesta […]

Coatesville carries a cross:
Prayers For An End To Fear

By George GregorySpecial to The CS&T COATESVILLE – In 1984, Father Thomas Doyle, who was then pastor of St. Cecilia Parish in Coatesville, envisioned his parishioners doing more than just reciting the Stations of the Cross. He desired that they walk the road to Calvary with our Lord. On Good Friday of that year, parishioners […]

Concert trumpets musical excellence

By Arlene EdmondsSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – Archdiocesan students at all levels proved that they have creative and interpretive gifts. On one stage nearly 500 of them showed off their musical talents in the program, “A Tribute in the Music of America.” They were part of the many bands, choruses and orchestras at a […]