Calendar of Events

IHM Sisters’ Night

Single young women ages 18-35 are invited to spend an evening of prayer, pizza, and St. Paddy's Day fun with the Immaculate Heart of Mary sisters, novices, and postulants

St. William monthly concert series continues with Constantia

The choral group, based at Holy Angels Parish, will present a program of sacred and secular works at a free performance on Feb. 18 at St. William's, Northeast Philadelphia.

St. Francis Xavier Parish hosts St. Patrick’s Day event

Come all ye lads and lassies to the parish's annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner and Dance Saturday night, March 3.

Old St. Joseph’s hosts Lenten choral Vespers service

Old St. Joseph's, the oldest Catholic Church in Philadelphia founded in 1733 by the Jesuits, offers a solemn prayer service Feb. 25 including readings and choral accompaniment by a schola and choir.

Mass for those suffering with addictions offered in April

All are invited to the addictions Mass to be celebrated by Father Tadeusz Gorka, pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Royersford, at the church on Saturday, April 21 at 11 a.m.

Book signing set for release of Philadelphia-based novel

The author of "Spirit of Philadelphia: A 100th Anniversary of WWI Story" will sign books at a Barnes & Noble book store in Willow Grove on Saturday, Feb. 24.

Celebrate feast day of St. Katharine Drexel

The Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul will host a Saturday evening Mass, preceded by confessions, on March 3 beginning at 4:15 p.m.

Gospel choirs from tri-state area unite for concert

The Feb. 11 performance, hosted by Rutgers University, is an artistic collaboration between three area dioceses.

Retreat for young women hosted by IHM sisters

Young women ages 18-35 are invited to a discernment retreat Feb. 16-18 which focuses on the IHM charism and the importance of listening to God's call and discovering the ways God speaks to us.

Lecture explores liturgy and racism in the U.S. Catholic Church

In an American Catholic Historical Society lecture, sociologist Tia Noelle Pratt of St. Joseph's University will explore how the Mass and systemic racism have shaped African-American Catholic identity.