Calendar of Events

Old St. Joseph church hosts ‘Lessons and Carols’ event

The free event on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 17, will alternate nine Scripture readings with various Advent and Christmas carols, tracing God's promise of salvation from Old Testament prophecies to the Incarnation of Christ.

Caregivers’ retreat day offered Jan. 18

The retreat will be a time of respite for caregivers to refresh body and spirit, learn ways of balance and self-care, and draw on the support of others who share this privileged call to care for the sick or elderly.

Handel’s ‘Messiah’ coming to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

Two performances of the sacred oratorio, supported by a full orchestra and middle school chorus, will be held Saturday, Dec. 16 at the church in Doylestown. Everyone is encouraged to download the score and sing along.

Women’s spirituality retreat offered in January

These ongoing gatherings, beginning Jan. 8 at Cranaleith Spiritual Center, seek to nurture women’s spirituality through reflection, input, sharing and prayer.

Advent Contemplative Morning: Echoes of Mercy, Whispers of Love

On this Foundation Day of the Sisters of Mercy, we will hold a gentle space of silence for the voice of merciful love within all that is.

Bishop Robert Barron to speak in Cardinal Foley Lecture Series

The auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles and founder of Word on Fire Ministries will speak Jan. 29 in the series hosted by St. Charles Seminary's John Cardinal Foley Chair of Social Communications.

We Thirst Lessons in Mercy

This four-week series begins with a focus on the biology of addiction.

Annual Our Lady of Guadalupe Dinner

Priests, Sisters, Nuns and Clergy we would like to invite you to be guest at one of our tables. So no charge for you! Thank you for giving your life to Christ and His Church!

Philadelphia Knights of Columbus Chapter Bus Trip to Washington

The Philadelphia Knights of Columbus Chapter will be hosting their annual bus trip to Washington, D.C. for the annual March for Life.

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary’s 30th Annual Open House and Christmas Concert

During the Open House, seminarians will guide tours through this historic Catholic landmark where visitors can view artwork treasures from the Seminary's collection, artifacts from Pope Francis’ visit in 2015, explore the daily life of seminarians, and learn about educational programs open to the general public.