Calendar of Events

Cathedral to begin new liturgical year with annual Forty Hours devotion

Father Thomas Viviano will preach at this year's observance, which will focus on "The Eucharist: Proof that God Answers the Prayers of His People."

Sacred Heart Parish offering fun, food, Santa at Christmas Bazaar

The event on Saturday, Dec. 2 at the Clifton Heights parish will feature new gift items, food, baked goods, gift basket raffles, the parish's famous pierogi, a visit from Santa and fun for all.

In spirit of St. Francis, live Nativity coming to Neumann U.

The Delaware County Catholic university will continue a tradition begun in Italy on Sunday, Dec. 3 when the school community will re-enact the Nativity scene with live animals, Christmas music and festivities.

Keystone State Boys Choir Concert

Come join St. Francis Xavier Church in starting the Christmas season off right with a concert featuring the Keystone State Boy Choir. Listen to your favorite Christmas song or two with family or friends.

Our Lady of Port Richmond hosts Christmas bazaar

A fun-filled day of shopping, Santa, crafts, food and raffles is in store Dec. 2 at the Catholic school in Port Richmond, Philadelphia. Vendors and crafters are featured, and all are invited to a family Mass.

Anthem kicks off the Christmas season with adoration after-party

The archdiocesan ministry to youth and young adults will host an evening of prayer and music at the cathedral on Friday night, Dec. 1, followed by a bash at one of the city's trendiest hot spots.

Prepare for Christmas with Mary at a Flame of Love retreat

Father James Blount, SOLT will direct a weekend-long series of prayer and reflection based on the Marian devotion.

Holy day retreat offers ‘Spirit Power’

A one-day Advent retreat on the feast of the Immaculate Conception will feature music, teaching and Mass for the holy day.

Free presentation explains natural fertility methods

Our Lady of Grace Parish will host a talk by Dr. Delia Larrauri on the Creighton Model and NaProTechnology, which offer pro-life approaches to reproductive health and fertility regulation.

Bishop Shanahan High School hosts Christmas craft show

Over 170 crafts and gifts make for one-stop Christmas shopping at the December 2 event.