Calendar of Events

All Welcome to Attend Pro Life Rosary in Philadelphia

This event is being hosted by Regina Coeli Council #4921.

Archbishop Carroll hosting 21st Annual Philadelphia Regional Future City Competition

This year's competition will be held on January 21, 2017.

Knights of Columbus Philadelphia Chapter offering bus trip for March for Life

The Knights of Columbus will be providing transportation to the March for Life rally in Washington, DC.

Parish leaders invited to workshop for 21st century communications

Anyone in parish ministry seeking to communicate more effectively with their parishioners, beyond using the weekly bulletin, is invited to a half-day workshop on Friday, Feb. 10 at St. Charles Seminary.

24th annual Chester County March for Life

The local March for Life will be held Jan. 22 at St. Agnes Church in West Chester, including a program of speakers and music. A march with pro-life signs to the old Chester County Courthouse will follow.

Witness for Life at St. John the Evangelist

The Pro-Life Union is hosting a public prayer event at St. John the Evangelist in Philadelphia.

Service honoring Dr. King to be led by Archbishop Chaput

"A Dream in Black and White -- Growing in Understanding as Catholics" is the theme of the Archdiocesan Gathering in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, Jan. 16 at St. Philip Neri Church, Lafayette Hill.

The Mystery of Duffy’s Cut – Death On The Railroad at St. Philip Neri

Coming in February is a two-part documentary at St. Philip Neri in East Greenvile.

St. Norbert’s speaker to tell how we can live joyfully, any time

Charles DeFeo, a lay Dominican, author, radio host and local parishioner, will speak on "Solving Life's Problems with Catholicism" at the Paoli parish on Sunday, Jan. 15.

Mother Daughter Tea

Mary Magdalen Parish in Media will be hosting mother daughter tea in February.