Calendar of Events

Christmas celebration of Scripture and song in Flourtown

Coming Dec. 11, St. Genevieve Parish will be hosting its sixth annual Christmas concert combining Advent Scripture readings with sacred, seasonal music.

Advent at Cranaleith Spiritual Center

Cranaleith Spiritual Center is hosting a series of events in December for Advent.

Tending Moral Injury After War: A Workshop for Faith Leaders

Cranaleith Spiritual Center is hosting a 3 day workshop to help faith leaders tend to needs of veterans of the military.

Feed Your Soul, The Music of H.M.S.

An evening of music at Cranaleith Spiritual Center is coming in December.

Visitation BVM Christmas Bazaar

The parish in Norristown celebrates its 60th annual Christmas Bazaar Friday, November 18th (7pm-10pm) to Saturday, November 19th (9am-5pm).

Pennsylvania Christmas & Gift Show

Read more about this upcoming event.

Surrender to God: Reflections of Father Walter Ciszek

Learn about a Franciscan sister's recollections of Father Ciszek and his cause for canonization, coming to St. Philip Neri Parish in East Greenvile.

Heroin & Opiate Addiction Panel Discussion

Learn the details and how to register for this event at St. Philip Neri in East Greenville, PA.

4th Annual Marian Day for Families

Living Bridges is hosting the 4th Annual Marian Day for Families on Sunday, November 27th from 12:30-6:30 p.m.

Holy Door at cathedral closing Sunday, Nov. 6

As the Year of Mercy comes to a close this month, a Mass and rite for the Closing of the Holy Door of Mercy will be celebrated by Archbishop Charles Chaput at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.