Calendar of Events

Young adults invited to New Year’s Retreat

Young adults in their 20s and 30s can welcome in the new year at Malvern Retreat House with a social and spiritual renewal beginning 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 31 through noon Sunday, Jan. 2, 2022.

South Phila. parish hosts Christmas concert

The youth of St. Charles Borromeo Parish will perform the season's hymns Dec. 22, with holiday treats for all.

Handel’s ‘Messiah’ coming to two area churches this week

St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Philadelphia and St. Katharine of Siena Catholic Church will host the complete masterpiece with orchestra, chorus and soloists on Dec. 17 and 19, respectively.

‘Welcome home’ program answers ‘How do I return to church?’

St. Augustine Parish in Philadelphia presents a Theology on Tap event Dec. 16 at an Irish pub to answer anyone's questions on how to come back to the Catholic Church after an absence for any reason.

Classical music concert coming to Carmelite Monastery

The concert to benefit the Philadelphia Carmel will take place Sunday, Dec. 12 at 2:30 p.m. featuring Michael Sheerin, organist and music director at the National Shrine of St. Rita, and cellist David Traub.

American Catholic Historical Society to host Christmas social

The society invites members and non-members to its annual party on Friday, Dec. 10 in Philadelphia. Beverages, dinner, dessert and music are provided, including a soloist, pianist and communally sung Christmas carols.

Come for a night of caroling in Philadelphia

The Sisters of Life invite all to enjoy the hope and light of Christmas with a night of caroling in the city on Thursday, Dec. 16. Hot chocolate and cookies, as well as the sacrament of confession, will be provided.

Cathedral Christmas concert sets Advent hope to music

The Dec. 5 program at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul will feature works by Abbie Betinis, Benjamin Britten, Gustav Holst, Malcolm Archer and Stephanie Martin, all selected to focus listeners on the Lord's coming at Christmas.

Advent evening of prayer and reflection for young women

Single young women are invited to join the I.H.M. Sisters on Saturday, Dec. 4 from 6-8 p.m. at the Motherhouse in Malvern. The evening will include supper and social time with the sisters, a reflection and prayer.

Rwandan genocide survivor to speak at St. David Parish

In an Advent season event Dec. 15, the Willow Grove parish will welcome Immaculée Ilibagiza to share her miraculous story on finding forgiveness through God's mercy. It will be followed by refreshments and a book signing.