Calendar of Events

All invited to Mass, lunch with new priests

The Serra Club of Philadelphia invites all to attend a Mass and luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 2 to celebrate two newly ordained priests, Father Kenneth Cavara and Father Mark Tobin. Registration closes Nov. 22.

Christmas bazaar returns to King of Prussia parish

Mother of Divine Providence Parish will hold its 20th annual Christmas Craft Fair and Bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 20 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Parish Center will be filled with vendors, food and fun.

Black Catholics Office presents Day of Reflection Nov. 20

The Office for Black Catholics invites all to reflect on "Renewing the Human Family" during a day of prayer, music and conversation featuring Sister Cora Marie Billings, R.S.M.

Christmas bazaar coming to Glenside Nov. 19-20

Good Shepherd Catholic Regional School brings back its festive tradition of shopping, food options and holiday cheer for patrons of all ages. Vendors are invited to participate, and tables are booking fast.

Author to sign book at St. Cyprian Parish event

D. James White will speak on his book, "Velvet Sky" at St. Cyprian Community Hall in West Philadelphia on Saturday, Nov. 20 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jump start your holiday shopping with this event featuring local small businesses.

University City parish embraces cultural diversity with events

St. Agatha-St. James Parish and the Penn-Drexel Newman Center, Philadelphia is hosting an event Sunday, Nov. 21 featuring Mass, the blessing of a multicultural mosaic, potluck meal and a talk by a religious sister on Venerable Father Augustus Tolton.

Image of your home can help mission for homeless people

Your home can become a portrait suitable for gift-giving, with the proceeds going to Bethesda Project, which serves people experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia and is family with those who have none.

Choirs to perform sacred music concert at cathedral

The Cathedral Basilica Choir and Archdiocesan Choir of Philadelphia will be collaborating with the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia to perform the Fauré Requiem on Friday, Nov. 12.

Spaghetti Dinner to support pro-life efforts

The Respect Life Committee of Holy Martyrs Parish in Oreland will host its annual dinner at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 6 at the church hall, and take out is available.

Join the 50th anniversary celebration of WCU’s Newman Center

The Catholic ministry celebrates 50 years on the campus of West Chester University on Saturday, Nov. 6 from 5 to 8 p.m., with Mass, dinner, speakers and recognition of a distinguished alumnus, Father Stephen DeLacy.