Calendar of Events
St. Joseph’s to host Mass in October for healing from addiction
St. Joseph Parish in Spring City will host the Oct. 30 liturgy, followed by a blessing for healing, for those whose lives have been touched by any kind of substance abuse.
Philadelphia’s 1844 riots topic of fall lecture
The American Catholic Historical Society's annual talk on Tuesday, Oct. 19 features historian Dr. Zachary Schrag speaking about "The Fires of Philadelphia: The Nativist Riots of 1844."
‘Trucktoberfest’ coming to St. Catherine’s, Horsham
An array of the area’s foremost food trucks, a DJ, children’s activities and more will highlight a special event Oct. 15 hosted by the Parish Pastoral Council to celebrate the community’s return after a lengthy time away.
Missionary Sisters hosting virtual career fair
The Missionary Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity will be holding an online career fair beginning Oct. 10 through Nov. 10, seeking to fill four positions including Vocation Council Coordinator.
Are you called to be a deacon in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia?
Catholic men, and their wives if married, with a deep spiritual life who are between the ages of 29 and 55 are invited to join in a live webinar with a panel of clergy Oct. 12 to discuss the permanent diaconate program.
St. Mary’s School to host country fair in Old City, Philadelphia
The independent Catholic school will hold its 15th annual Harvest Hoedown on Saturday, Oct. 16 on Locust Street in the city featuring fun games, raffle prizes, food and special awards, all to benefit the science and technology needs.
Cranaleith ready to welcome families for fall festival
The Harvest Festival of Cranaleith Spiritual Center in Northeast Philadelphia on Sunday, Oct. 10 features an afternoon of outdoor fun including children’s activities, craft vendors, a flea market, raffle baskets and more.
Opening Mass for Respect Life Month set for Sept. 26
All are invited to unite in prayer with Archbishop Nelson Perez to uphold the sanctity of life as he celebrates a Mass to begin the month-long activities considering why every human life is valuable. A reception with the Sisters of Life will follow Mass.
Our Lady of Peace, Milmont Park to bless to St. Pio statue
The Delaware County parish will welcome the provincial minister of the Capuchin Franciscan Province of St. Mary who will celebrate an evening Mass and blessing of the statue on the saint's feast day, Sept. 23.
St. Elizabeth Parish brings ‘Catholic Coming Home’ series
Sessions starting Sept. 20 at the Chester County church are for Catholics inquiring about returning to the church. There will be informal sharing and an update of the Catholic faith.