Calendar of Events

Malvern hosts Sacred Heart retreat for young adults

Father Steven DeLacy will lead a June 11-13 weekend featuring Mass, adoration, lection divina, fellowship and more at Malvern Retreat House.

Fatima holy hour calls for peace, end to pandemic

St. Katherine of Siena Parish in Northeast Philadelphia will host the June 13 gathering, which is sponsored by the World Apostolate of Fatima.

Webinar looks at holistic care for elderly priests amid COVID

On June 18, Misericordia University will host a free three-part session that examines ways to support aging clergy in mind, body and spirit.

Pro-life group invites all to Chester County March for Life

Beginning with Mass and prayer, a June 5 rally sponsored by the Chester County Pro-Life Coalition will mark -- and mourn -- a quarter century of abortions at a nearby Planned Parenthood.

Daylesford Abbey to offer in-person retreats

The Spirituality and Retreat Center at Daylesford Abbey in Paoli opens for personal and private retreats beginning June 4. The Norbertines offer daily chanted prayers, Mass and spiritual direction to all.

John Quiñones to receive Cardinal Foley Award

Join the online event May 27 that includes a town-hall discussion with the host of ABC’s long-running show “What Would You Do?” The symposium is sponsored by the John Cardinal Foley Chair.

Catholic, Muslim perspectives of Mary topic of talk

The prophetic role and influence of the Blessed Mother and her lessons for communities of faith will be explored in an online discussion May 20, hosted by Interfaith Philadelphia.

Monthly novena prayers to St. Joseph continue May 19

The specific intention this month is for all Christian single men and women in the pursuit of holiness. See the complete novena prayers, responses, litany and monthly intentions.

Catholic high school students to be honored May 18

The Archdiocese of Philadelphia will honor 138 scholars from 33 archdiocesan and private Catholic secondary schools at the 41st Annual Academic Honors Convocation.

National, local doctors working on pandemic to be honored

The Dare to Understand Award of Interfaith Philadelphia will be presented in a virtual event May 26 to Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIAID and Dr. Ala Stanford of the Black Doctors Consortium.