Calendar of Events

A Closer Look At Mary, The Mother Of The Lord

Father Joseph Serano will share some suggestions on why Catholics (and many Protestants) not only have devotion to Mary as the Mother of the Lord but also insist that she is key to grasping the Gospel call to discipleship.

Phyllis Martin Day for Peace & Justice

For the 10th and final “Phyllis Martin Day for Peace and Justice”, we will trace the inspiration for and early days of BETHESDA PROJECT

Choosing to Love the World: Thomas Merton & Mary Oliver as Mentors for Entering the School of Our Lives

We will learn a Merton way of praying by making an index of our life’s autobiographies. We will reflect on Merton’s question: “Who can tell how much we owe to those who have loved us?”

The Three Holiest Days Of The Year, The Triduum, Beginning With Evening Eucharist On Holy Thursday

You are welcome to come pray with us for the liturgies each day. To complement our worship on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, we also invite you to join us for two-morning conferences led by Father Andrew D. Ciferni, O. Praem.

Book Discussion with Anita Friday

Anita Friday is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Georgetown Law School. She has served as a member of the Anti-Racism Commission of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania as well as a presenter at many Main Line churches, promoting racial harmony.

Hiking to Heal with Heather Makowicz

After a scripture-led reflection, and testimony, you will be invited into a time of extended silence (to walk, hike, or just relax and sit) with your specially prepared Peak Encounter "prayer package".

Ash Wednesday Retreat Beginning Our Lenten Journey: The Great Forty Days

Through the conferences, liturgies and times of significant silent reflection on this day of retreat, participants are invited and perhaps challenged to enter afresh into the Lenten journey this year, leading to a new way of living throughout the year.

The Shroud of Turin: A Silent Witness of the Passion, Death & Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ

Mr. Massimo Paris will present, The Shroud of Turin: A Silent Witness of the Passion, Death & Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, at Immaculata University on Thursday, March 5, at 7:00 PM.

Psalms for a Lenten Season

The five sessions will address: The Psalms as Christian Prayer; Responsorial Psalms for Lenten Sundays; The Seven Penitential Psalms; The Psalms Jesus Prayed during his Passion; Psalms for Holy Week/Tenebrae.

Second Annual You Are Called to Holiness Conference and Day of Recollection

Please join us for the You Are Called to Holiness Conference and Day of Recollection at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.