Calendar of Events

In Ireland and Philadelphia, faithful honor Our Lady of Knock

The Miraculous Medal Shrine and the Mayo Association of Philadelphia will host a livestreamed Aug. 16 Mass with a simulcast from County Mayo, site of the 1879 Marian apparition.

Father James Blount to speak at SS. Simon and Jude Parish

The renowned spiritual director will deliver his healing message at the parish in West Chester on Tuesday evening, July 28, leading a rosary and Mass with his talk.

Archbishop Perez to celebrate pro-life Mass, lead prayer vigil

The July 25 liturgy will take place at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, followed by an ecumenical prayer vigil at Planned Parenthood's Center City location.

Join virtual Catholic discussion on racism

The archdiocesan Office for the New Evangelization will host a Zoom conversation on racism with four local Catholic women on Tuesday, July 28.

Catholic Charismatics hold virtual retreat weekend

“Challenges for Catholics in Today’s World,” takes place June 26-28 with Father Bill Halbing and Dr. Antone Raymundo at Malvern Retreat House.

Martin Saints Classical High School hosts virtual open house

Classical education, combined with craftsmanship classes and Frassati Fridays, make the school unique and students "fully alive." The open house is July 13.

Learn about mindfulness for everyday life

A virtual gathering Saturday, June 27 will offer 10 mindfulness methods for deepening spiritual awareness and inward connectedness within the day. Expect to feel refreshed, attuned, peaceful and joyful.

Virtual book club studies ‘The Virtue of Resilience’

Join with other seekers as two Cranaleith presenters explore how hope and resilience offer solace and wisdom in navigating these unsettling times.

Online program studies Jesus and the women of the Gospels

For four weeks presenter Bernadette Rudolph of Cranaleith Spiritual Retreat Center will look at a different Gospel to reflect on its particular stories about women.

Bring creativity to your spirituality through reflection on beauty

In this virtual retreat, prayerful experiences through narrative, imagery, movement, music and poetry will guide you in greater awareness of the heart and the invitation of the divine.