Calendar of Events

Evening celebrates feast day of St. Katharine Drexel

The Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul welcomes all for an Evening of Song and Prayer in celebration of St. Katharine Drexel.

Center City parish hosts Sarum Vespers for Candlemas Eve

St. Patrick's Church in Philadelphia will celebrate a Feb. 1 solemn choral Vespers according to the medieval use of Sarum, the regional form of the Latin Rite used in England before the Reformation.

6th Anniversary Vigil and Mass in Memory of John Stanton

Join us for the 6th Anniversary Memorial Vigil and Mass honoring John P. Stanton (Pro-Life Union founder) and his wife, Harriet Stanton, on Saturday, February 1.

First Saturday Rosary Walk with St. Patrick’s Parish

All are invited to join the Dominican Friars at St. Patrick’s in their monthly rosary walk around Rittenhouse Square. It will follow the 8 AM daily mass.

WWJB What Would Jesus Brew

Sample some craft beers, learn about beer making and beer tasting by a brewmaster expert. Each brew is paired with a spiritual reflection given by Father Jim DeGrassa.

Sample some craft beers, learn about beer making and beer tasting by a brewmaster expert. Each brew is paired with a spiritual reflection given by Father Jim DeGrassa.

Lenten Program: Celtic Spirituality: Of Wisdom and Contemplation

This day will explore the interplay of wisdom and contemplation as viewed through the lens of Celtic-Spirituality, a spirituality Carl McComan described as, “at the edge of the world.” There will be a time for quiet reflection, prayer and discussion.

Lenten Program: Forgiveness: Grace in the Giving and Receiving

Explore the meaning and substance of forgiveness and its real-life applications to our lives, our relationships, our communities and the world God so loves.

Ash Wednesday Retreat: Jean Vanier and the Wound of Loneliness

As we entrust our hearts to these sacred forty days, we will draw on the insight of philosopher, theologian and humanitarian Jean Vanier, who revealed the gift hidden in vulnerability. We will explore the wisdom he learned through those judged the poorest, “We are desperately, infinitely loved as we are.”

Un-Selfing the Self: Dissolving into the Divine

In this retreat, we will explore ‘un-selfing the self’ from a variety of contemplative perspectives so that it may offer compelling inspiration for our spiritual journeys and everyday lives.