Calendar of Events

Pope John Paul II HS hosts retired four-star general

Anthony Zinni, whose 39-year career took him to over 70 countries, will speak on leadership, service and the power of influence at a Nov. 11 talk in honor of Veterans' Day.

St. Charles Seminary Closing of 40 Hours

Bishop Timothy C. Senior, Rector, and the seminarians of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary invite you and your guests to join them in thanksgiving for the infinite gift of the Holy Eucharist by attending the Closing of 40 Hours in Saint Martin of Tours Chapel.

Young Adult International Rosary and Christmas Party

As we begin our Advent journey, let us come together and ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for us and for everyone around the world with a special International Rosary. Each decade will be recited in a different language.

Archbishop Chaput to celebrate St. Martin de Porres Mass

The annual liturgy, sponsored by the Archdiocese's Office for Black Catholics, will take place on Nov. 7 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul as part of Black Catholic History Month.

Singer-songwriter’s concert at cathedral set for Oct. 18

Recording artist and speaker Dana Catherine will lead "A Night of Worship" Friday night from 7 to 9 p.m., which includes praise and eucharistic adoration, followed by a concert.

Lectors’ workshop to be led by Father Dennis Gill

The workshop at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown will take place Oct. 24 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Chapel of Our Lady of Czestochowa.

Bishop Shanahan High School hosts fall open house

Enjoy a personalized tour of the high school's Downingtown campus led by current students, an academic presentation about the student-centered learning curriculum and meet all the clubs, teams and faculty members.

Lay Dominican Come and See

The Lay Dominicans of St. Catherine of Siena Chapter invite you to come and see what we are all about. Sunday, October 27, 10 am, Morning Prayer and Rosary in the lower chapel of St. Patrick's.

Vigil of All Saints Holy Hour at St Patrick’s in Rittenhouse Square

Join St. Patrick's Community on Halloween night for an evening Holy Hour with readings from the saints, musical meditations by St. Patrick's choir, and a preached reflection offered by the Sisters of Life.

Mass in honor of St. Margaret Mary

Opening of the Jubilee Year of the 100th anniversary of the canonization of St. Margaret Mary.