Calendar of Events
Saint Augustine Heritage Foundation to Hold First-Ever History Fair Oct. 12
Join the Saint Augustine Heritage Foundation for a day of exhibits and displays from local museums, historical societies, historic sites, living-history groups, and libraries, as well as craft and food vendors.
Join Daylesford Abbey on Sept. 28 for a Creek Clean Up and Day of Service
The Sept. 28 day of service will include cleaning up sections of the Crum Creek Watershed that run through the Abbey’s grounds.
Daylesford Abbey to Hold Christ-Centered Relaxation Retreat Sept. 21
The retreat will offer an expert lecture on navigating stress plus interactive practices to help you experience calm through the presence of our Lord.
American Catholic Historical Society to Hold Lecture on Sanctuary Cities and Catholic Involvement Sept. 15
The discussion will focus on the book “The Sanctuary City: Immigrant, Refugee, and Receiving Communities in Postindustrial Philadelphia” authored by Dr. Domenic Vitiello.
Cardinals’ Forum to discuss ‘The Pastoral Impact of Artificial Intelligence’
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary will host the discussion and public dialogue at 7:00 p.m. Sept. 9 at the seminary’s new Lower Gwynedd campus.
Permanent Diaconate Information Session Set for Sept. 19
Catholic men, and their wives if married, with a deep spiritual life who are between the ages of 29 and 55 are invited to join an in-person panel of clergy for a Permanent Diaconate Information Night Sept. 19.
Hear the Story of CSS’ Martha’s Choice Marketplace and Community Farm Sept. 4
Join Patrick Walsh and Eli Wenger on Sept. 4 at 6:00 p.m. to hear the story of Martha’s Choice Marketplace and Community Farm, the largest, most visited, food pantry in Montgomery County.
St. Philip Neri Church to Hold Musical Workshop Aug. 20
St. Philip Neri Church will hold a special music gathering for choristers and cantors on Tuesday, Aug. 20 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Visual Grace to Hold “Into the Heart of God, Through Beauty” Art Reveal and Book Event Aug. 13
The book event and art reveal will take place on Aug. 13 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Isaac Jogues Parish in Delaware County.
Paradisus Dei Faith Formation Program to Come to Philly Sept. 18
“That Man is You!” is an interactive men’s program focused on the development of male leadership in the modern world. The Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul will host a Fall Semester of courses.