Calendar of Events

Silence, Suffering, and the Way of Beauty

The Collegium Institute presents: Silence, Suffering and the Way of Beauty: An Evening Conversation with Makoto Fujimura.

31st Annual Pennsylvanians for Human Life Banquet

Please join fellow pro-lifers in celebrating life from all across the Philadelphia area.

CCYA Open Mic Night

It's that time again for Open Mic Night, and this time we're doing it Mardi Gras-style, complete with masquerade! Amateurs are welcome and encouraged, so no need to feel shy or bashful since we're all friends (or soon will be).

Unplanned Screening with Generation Life

Join Generation Life for the premiere night of the highly anticipated film 'UNPLANNED.'

Contemplative Music With HMS Band

Join us for small bites and to relax and listen to the unique, quiet, and contemplative folk music of the HMS Band.

Our Name is “Beloved”

Early on in Lent, we hear that Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for forty days.

Ash Wednesday Retreat: Seek the Deepness

As we begin the sacred season of Lent, we rest in the timeless promise of Julian of Norwich, who assures us that “all shall be well.”

Catherine of Siena and Edith Stein: Two Women in the Heart of Christ

The heart of Christ and the mystery of the cross are central in the lives of these two very different women mystics. Catherine was a Third Order Dominican and a Doctor of the Church. She spent her short life mainly in Siena during the tumultuous 14th century and died in Rome.

5 Keys to Freedom: Unlocking the Power of Gospel in Your Life

Come learn about the Five Keys of Unbound, a simple process of prayer that will help you unleash the liberating power of the Gospel into your life and find greater freedom.

Founder’s Night for Penn Newman Center; Celebrating 125 years

Come celebrate the founding of the Newman Center in Philadelphia with us on Saturday, Feb. 23rd. This candlelit dinner gives a nod to what brought the original founders together: cigars, oysters, lemonade, and yep...mustaches! A brief program will be given during dinner.