Local News
At St. Helena, centuries-old artisanship brings new look to church
St. Helena in Blue Bell isn’t a new parish, it was founded in 1919, but its present church was built just seven years ago. When Msgr. Joseph Nicolo set out to decorate it with traditional artwork reflecting Old World craftsmanship, he knew just where to go. He’d first encountered Emanuel Utti in 1985 when he […]
Presentation BVM students plant pinwheels for peace
On Sept. 21 students from Presentation B.V.M. School took part in an international art and literacy project, Pinwheels for Peace by “planting” pinwheels. In past years they have placed messages of peace on the pinwheels.
Archbishop Chaput celebrates Sunday Mass at his parish
On Thursday, Sept. 8, at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, before a congregation composed of mostly Church dignitaries, priests, family and friends, Archbishop Charles Chaput formally took possession of his new Archdiocese. On Sunday, Oct. 9, at that same Cathedral Basilica, before a congregation of mostly ordinary people, Archbishop Chaput informally took possession of his new parish.
Annual Hispanic Heritage Mass draws 1,000 to Cathedral Basilica for joyful celebration
Hispanic Catholics from 20 different countries gathered at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul Oct. 9 as Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap., celebrated the annual archdiocesan Hispanic Heritage Mass. While most Spanish-speaking people in the Philadelphia area hail from Mexico and Puerto Rico, many others moved here from Spain, Columbia, Ecuador, Cuba, Costa […]
Gov. Corbett supports school voucher program, education reform
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett used a York, Pa. charter school on Oct. 11 as the venue to outline his agenda for education reform in Pennsylvania. Speaking at Lincoln Charter School he listed his four top education priorities: opportunity scholarships expanding the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC), improving charter school quality and accounting and more robust […]
School choice vouchers, tax credits touted by Gov. Corbett
Gov. Tom Corbett introduced an education reform package in Pennsylvania Oct. 11 that includes a pilot voucher program and an increase to the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) scholarship program. Corbett, a former teacher, said at a press conference in York that the focus in education reform needs to be “child, parent, teacher … and just in that order.”
Proposed legislation would increase school choice
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is expected to propose wide-ranging school reform legislation as early as Oct. 11 which would also include school choice legislation in the form of an increase in the Educational Incentive Tax Credit (EITC) and vouchers which could be spent at any school by parents or guardians of children who attend targeted low-performing public schools, many of which are within the City of Philadelphia.
St. Cecilia Parish celebrates 100th anniversary
When St. Cecilia Parish was founded a century ago, there really weren’t many Catholics in the Fox Chase section of Philadelphia; it was mostly German Protestants, and for that reason its boundaries extended well into Montgomery County. Today it is one of the largest parishes in the city; and although the parish footprint is smaller, […]
Schools invited to compete for grants from Beneficial Bank Foundation
Beneficial Bank, the oldest and largest bank headquartered in Philadelphia, which has historically conducted programs aimed at schools, has announced “The Beneficial Foundation School Challenge,” which will provide area schools an opportunity to compete for grants to fund education improvement grants. Funds will be awarded to schools whose students develop a project concept that will […]
Archdiocesan centers offer more than just meals for seniors
The four Senior Community Centers in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are a welcome place to come for a meal, and the opportunity to share time with others. The Senior Community Centers, however, offer much more to the 400 people they serve each day. The Senior Community Centers give those 60 years old and up an opportunity to engage in recreational activities, learn about health and nutrition, and understand aging issues while meeting their neighbors. They are vibrant and alive with caring staff, and the services they provide are free.