Local News
Religious teacher marks 50 years in classroom
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer PHILADELPHIA – Five-year-old Rosalie Fullam reported to the first grade at St. Anthony of Padua School in South Philadelphia in September 1945 – a year ahead of schedule because she couldn’t wait to begin. At that time, there was no kindergarten. Little Rosalie Fullam is now 69-year-old Sister Joseph […]
Their brother’s a bishop
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer As newly ordained Auxiliary Bishop Timothy C. Senior continues to do his part to build up the Church as a priest and now as a Bishop, he can be certain that his siblings, Jim Senior and Myra Senior DiNicola, will continue to do their fair share as devoted laity […]
Proud parents of a Bishop
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Daniel and Josephine Cistone were not the least bit surprised when their middle son, Joseph, left home at age 18 to enter St. Charles Seminary in Wynnewood to study for the priesthood. He hadn’t applied to any colleges while in his senior year at Father Judge, and he’d been […]
Pastor of St. John the Evangelist: Parish has history of outreach to the poor
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – When Capuchin Franciscan Father Frank Yacobi arrived at St. John the Evangelist Parish on south 13th street five years ago, he found himself pastor of one of Philadelphia’s most dynamic faith communities. As he quotes one of his confreres, Brother James, “You can find many things here. […]
Supporting vocations through work with Serra Club
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T PHILADELPHIA – Religious vocations are crucial, and Dawn Renee Chism, a lawyer and assistant general counsel with the Philadelphia School District, knows it well. “Promoting vocations for priests and nuns is important because they are at the foundation of the Church,” she said. That’s why she is a member […]
Holy Trinity to close, St. Justin Martyr to merge
By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T Staff Writer Holy Trinity Parish, a German personal parish in the Society Hill section of Philadelphia, is closing, but the church will remain open as a worship site of Old St. Mary’s Parish, which is two blocks away. In Montgomery County, St. Justin Martyr Parish in Narberth is merging with St. […]
A father’s father
Updated Web Version By Christie L. ChicoineCS&T staff writer FAIRLESS HILLS – The private Mass Father Brian Kean celebrated for his parents on Father’s Day last year was one of the best presents the then-newly ordained priest has ever bestowed upon his father Bruce. “To see our son in that role as a priest – […]
‘Bulletin’ publisher says faith aided venture
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T It’s been a tough year for the newspaper business with bankruptcies left and right. On June 1, Tom Rice regretfully announced the Philadelphia Bulletin, the family-oriented daily he founded 4 and a half years ago, would cease publication immediately. The numbers, in terms of subscriptions and ad sales were […]
New priest formed by a new life in Phila.
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T Duc Nguyen, a 1988 graduate of Bishop Shanahan High School in Downingtown, was ordained priest after a May 30 ceremony at Kansas City, Missouri’s Immaculate Conception Cathedral. It’s been a long journey. It started in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam, continued in Malaysia, then in suburban Philadelphia […]
70 years ordained and still going strong
By Lou BaldwinSpecial to The CS&T You might say Cardinal Dennis Dougherty was looking at a full deck in his cathedral on June 3, 1939. Fifty-two young men were presenting themselves for ordination. Time has taken its toll; now there is only one left, but he’s an ace. At age 95 and 70 years ordained, […]