Photo features

From every land, they came to worship in the cathedral

A multi-ethnic procession led the way into the cathedral before the start of the annual Cultural Heritage Mass celebrated by Archbishop Charles Chaput on Saturday, March 19. See our photo gallery.

Lebanese saint’s relics venerated in Philadelphia

The relics of St. Sharbel Makhlouf were brought to St. Maron Church in South Philadelphia as hundreds of faithful people streamed by the reliquary for prayers March 11-13. See our photo gallery.

Scenes from St. Patrick’s Day in Philadelphia

See scenes in our photo gallery from the Mass at St. Patrick Church in Philadelphia and the parade that followed -- said to be the second oldest in America -- on Sunday, March 13.

Man Up Philly draws big crowd for annual event

Men from all walks in the Philadelphia Archdiocese heard speakers and prayed together at Mass during the men's spirituality conference March 12. See a photo gallery.

Across the Aisles: St. Katharine’s feast day

Archbishop Charles Chaput was joined by the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and many guests for the celebration of St. Katharine Drexel's feast March 6 at St. Elizabeth Convent in Bensalem.

Day of prayer and study draws area’s religion teachers

The Catechist Convocation at Archbishop Carroll High School drew religious educators from Catholic schools and PREP programs of parishes across the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. See our photo gallery.

Generation Phaith rally draws teens in archdiocese

Some 200 kids enjoyed the service activities, musical performances, inspiring talks, confessions and Eucharistic adoration at the fourth annual youth rally -- see scenes in our photo gallery.

New wheels, and ways, to feed the homeless

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput and representatives of the Maguire Foundation cut the ribbon on a new truck to deliver meals from archdiocesan parishes to St. John's Hospice. See our photo gallery.

Catholic League girls basketball championship

See scenes from the shocking defeat of defending state champion Neumann-Goretti by Archbishop Wood's girls Feb. 22 at the Palestra.

Catholic League boys basketball championship

See a photo gallery of the title game at the Palestra between Roman Catholic and fellow league powerhouse Neumann-Goretti.