‘A Yearning for Learning’ Leads Spanish Teacher to the Priesthood
Anthony Albanese was a 25-year-old Spanish teacher at a middle school in Bensalem. One day in class, he found himself wondering, “What do these students in my classroom really need? Do they need me as a Spanish teacher, or do they need me as a priest?”
Catholic school principal ‘shows what’s possible’ for those with disabilities
Once a struggling student, Jayda Pugliese of St. Mary Interparochial School drew on her faith to battle hearing loss -- and returned to lead her alma mater, while gaining international recognition for her work.
Faith guides college president on mission for students, Ukraine and the world
Dr. Jonathan Peri, the first lay leader of Manor College, is working to make his school "a voice for contemporary Catholicism and Christian goodness," especially amid Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine.
As 1st Haitian priest in Phila., seminarian to carry on a legacy
Roneld St. Louis speaks six languages, sings baritone and is an instructor-level dancer. After he's ordained a priest this May he hopes to focus on strengthening families, buoyed by his devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Would-be Presbyterian minister instead heard call to be Catholic priest
While studying at Yale Divinity School, South Korea native Sang Woo Chi discovered "the answers to all of the questions I had in life" through the Church Fathers. He became Catholic, lived at an ice cream store in Broomall, and will be ordained a priest May 21.
Visit to ‘saint of the impossible’ laid his path to priesthood
Deacon Ryan Nguyen, who will be ordained a priest this May, was a pharmacist and not especially religious until by chance he visited St. Rita's Shrine in 2012, and his conversion began.
Catholic school grad goes ‘back to basics’ at Little Flower HS
Assistant principal Molly Quinn comes from a family of Catholic school teachers and a lifetime of Catholic education. Now she's helping teens relearn what it means to be a student -- and to have fun along the way.
Mission trip to Haiti ignited his zeal to become a priest
The sister of Andrew Lane knew he was struggling in high school, so she set up a trip for him that, thanks to a priest's loving example, inspired the Chester County resident's vocation to priesthood and a life of prayerful service.
Journey from politics to priesthood helps lead others to heaven
Once a Washington, D.C. professional, Deacon Henry Graebe renounced a life that was "too comfortable" and returned to the church. Set to be ordained as a priest May 21, he now looks to bring others to Christ.
College trip to the Holy Land led to interior journey, and priesthood
Deacon Andrew Auletta had been attending Mass until an archaeological dig led to a friendship with a priest. Even his misgivings about the sexual abuse scandal didn't sidetrack God’s calling to ordination, set for this May.