
Sisters and brothers

Sometimes the light of truth shines from little-known sources. A particularly sharp observation on human life and dignity came this week from two sources, the Vatican’s ambassador to the United Nations and the local newsstand. Archbishop Celestino Migliore, apostolic nuncio to the U.N., spoke at a session concerning the status of women in which he […]

Msgr. Meehan, thank you!

By Father John Ames Msgr. Meehan recently informed readers that he would no longer be a regular columnist for the CS&T. For those who enjoyed reading Monsignor’s monthly article, imagine how lucky I and fellow seminarians were to be taught by him while he was professor of moral theology at St. Charles Seminary. He taught […]

St. Katharine points way to meeting human needs

It would have been acceptable for Katharine Drexel to adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament as a consecrated religious in her home Church of Philadelphia. It would have been even easier for her to keep living the high life of a socialite, albeit with the piety for which she had become known. She did […]

Partnership: The key to Catholic education

By Msgr. Ralph Chieffo As we sadly witness the closures and mergers of our Catholic schools, we remember that Catholic education was the foundation of our adult faith and future commitments to priesthood, marriage and society. We recall the miracles of transformation when our devoted priests, sisters and lay teachers lived the values of a […]

Catholic Church today: A picture of growth

There will always be wags criticizing the Church for this issue or that. A healthy criticism can help focus one’s attention on improvement where needed. And there will always be those who not only criticize but attack the Church, never missing an opportunity to heap malice upon a cynical view. If you want a clearer […]

Statistics prompt question: Why abortion?

By A. B. Hill Every year the Pennsylvania Department of Health releases the latest state abortion statistics. Everyone waits to see if the numbers go up or down. In 2008, there were 38,807 abortions in Pennsylvania, an increase of 2,144 (5.8 percent) from 2007. Disappointing; but overall, that is 41 percent less than the record […]

Our mission never changes

In a crumbling letter discovered in a musty file, a writer praises the Catholic Standard & Times, which “has for many years been widely known … and admittedly is in the front rank of our Catholic weeklies. It has fairly won its reputation by its intelligent … and fearless advocacy and defense of teachings of […]

A final column after 25 years

By Msgr. Francis X. Meehan This column is not an easy one for me to write. For 25 years now, the Catholic Standard & Times has published my monthly column. And now, it is this very 25th anniversary that presses upon my mind and heart as a good moment to step aside. With prayer and […]

The moral and scientific logic of abstinence

EDITORIAL Catholic Church leaders speak consistently about the great gift of human sexuality lived properly as an expression of the total gift of self for one’s spouse and an openness to life only in marriage. The teaching is rooted in the understanding of the dignity of the human person as created by God. The Church’s […]

Black History Month: The Church and her multitude of members

By Father Stephen D. Thorne I spend a lot of time in my car. Whether it’s going to a meeting or visiting a parish or a school, the car is my second office. Driving in Philadelphia, I am often drawn to the picturesque murals that mark the sides of many of our city’s buildings. I […]