Photo features
Old St. Mary’s celebrates 250th parish anniversary
Old St. Mary's Parish in Philadelphia concluded its 250th anniversary by welcoming Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, who along with Msgr. Paul A. DiGirolamo, pastor, celebrated Mass at 11 a.m. Sunday, May 26 at the church located at 252 South 4th Street in Philadelphia.
Three new priests ordained for Archdiocese
Archbishop Charles Chaput ordained Sean Loomis, John Stokely and Thomas Viviano to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia on Saturday, May 18 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul.
Six men ordained transitional deacons
Archbishop Charles Chaput ordained six new transitional deacons on Saturday, May 11 at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. The deacons will serve in a parish during the next year prior to their expected ordination as priests in May 2014.
New rosary garden at Our Lady of the Assumption blessed by Archbishop
Archbishop Charles Chaput visited Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Strafford, Chester County, on Sunday May 5. After celebrating the 11:30 a.m. Mass in the church, the archbishop led the congregation outside to the new rosary garden and blessed it. Afterward Msgr. Joseph Marino, pastor, led the people in praying the rosary. Parishioners stood on stones representing each bead as they prayed along. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Bishop Joseph McFadden: A life of service to the Church
Bishop Joseph McFadden, who died May 2 in Philadelphia, served the Archdiocese of Philadelphia first as a priest after his ordination in 1981, and then as a bishop after ordination to the episcopate in 2004. Photos by Sarah Webb and others show his loving service, prayerfulness and friendliness throughout his 65 years.
Rite of Institution to the Ministry of Lector
Six seminarians from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, along with eight men from the dioceses of Allentown, Harrisburg, Raleigh and Trenton, were instituted in the ministry of lector on Saturday, April 27 at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.
The wartime parish — scenes from a Philadelphia priest chaplain in Afghanistan
Starting last April, Father Stephen McDermott, a Philadelphia priest and U.S. Army chaplain, spent a year ministering to the service personnel and civilians in Afghanistan. The priest was recently awarded the Army's Bronze Star Medal for his ministry. Our photo gallery shows scenes from what he considers his far-flung parish. See our full story.
Blessed Virgin Mary Parish celebrates 100th Anniversary
Blessed Virgin Mary, Darby, where Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrated a 100th anniversary Mass on Sunday, April 14, is diverse — it always was and probably always will be.
Charismatic Renewal at St. Mary Magdalen Parish
The annual Catholic Charismatic Conference, “The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength,” was celebrated April 6 at St. Mary Magdalen Parish in Media, where approximately 400 joyful Catholic Charismatics converged. (Photos by Sarah Webb)
Triduum marks the end of the Lenten season
The summit of the Church's liturgical year is the Easter Triduum — from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday. The following photos by staff photographer Sarah Webb capture the liturgies of the Triduum this year in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.