Photo features

SS. Cosmas and Damian celebrates 100 year anniversary

Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrated mass on Sunday, December 2, 2012 in honor of the parish's 100th anniversary. Father Genuardi, pastor, estimates the Parish has about 950 families. For this jubilee year each month was celebrated by a different event. Hospitality and healing are two hallmarks of the parish, and yes, being Italian, food is very much part of any gathering. Traditions are preserved through the annual celebration of the patron saints in September; there is the annual blessing of St. Anthony bread and the presentation of apples at Christmas.

Thanksgiving day Football

Photos by D'Mont Reese

NDS programs helping children eat healthy

Nutritional Development Services (NDS) recently celebrated the successful completion of its 2012 Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive, the start of its School Lunch Program at the newly formed Blessed Trinity Regional Catholic School in Philadelphia and a special day marking National School Lunch Week at St. Cecilia School, Philadelphia.

7th Annual Hispanic Heritage Mass

Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrated the Annual Hispanic Heritage Mass with the Hispanic community Oct. 26 at the Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul. Hispanic Catholics gathered at the Cathedral to celebrate their heritage and rich diversity with many priests serving in the Hispanic Apostolate throughout the Archdiocese.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Church dedication

Photos by Sarah Webb

St. Kateri Tekakwitha celebration at St. Katharine Drexel Shrine

On Sunday, Oct. 21, Catholics in the Philadelphia region celebrated St. Kateri Tekakwitha's canonization at the shrine of St. Katharine Drexel in Bensalem. The celebration included Native American drumming and round dancing, a procession with a statue of St. Kateri, a traditional Blessing of the Four Directions performed by local Native Americans and a 3 p.m. Mass celebrated by Father Thomas Betz, O.F.M. Cap.

October is Respect Life Month

During October the Catholic Church throughout the United States observes Respect Life Month. This annual tradition is now in its forty-first year. On October 7, Respect Life Sunday, our nation's Catholics were called to renew their personal commitment to defend all human life, especially the most vulnerable members of the human family. We demonstrate this commitment in a variety of ways—by participating in prayer services and educational conferences, engaging in public witness and advocacy, and helping to offer church and community services to those in need. Archbishop Charles Chaput celebrated mass for our archdiocese at the Cathedral. The theme of this year's Respect Life Program is one often expressed by Pope Benedict XVI: "Faith opens our eyes to human life in all its grandeur and beauty." (Photos by Sarah Webb)

St. Katharine Drexel Regional School student body visit shrine of their namesake

Students and teachers of the new St. Katharine Drexel Regional School in Holland shared a special day at the resting place of the school’s namesake, the St. Katharine Drexel Shrine in Bensalem, where Bishop Michael Fitzgerald celebrated mass and the students prayed before the saint’s tomb at the Motherhouse of the Blessed Sacrament Sisters Sept. 26. The school was formed by combining the student bodies of the former St. Bede the Venerable School in Holland and Assumption B.V.M. Schools in Feasterville, both in Bucks County.

Religious jubilarians celebrate thousands of years of service

A Mass to honor hundreds of religious men and women in the Archdiocese celebrating their silver, golden, or diamond jubilees this year was held Sept. 9 at the Cathedral. The combined jubilarians have given tens of thousands years of service to the religious life. Archbishop Charles Chaput was joined by a dozen priests from across the Archdiocese, including Norbertine Abbot Richard Antonucci of Daylesford Abbey, in celebrating their years of service. (Photos by D'Mont Reese)

Celebration and planning for black catholics

Black Catholics gathered for an implementation meeting Sept. 15 at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church in Philadelphia following the 11th National Black Catholic Congress. Bill Bradley, director of the archdiocesan Office for Black Catholics, led the meeting in which Archbishop Charles Chaput attended to answer questions and address concerns. On Sept.16 Archbishop Chaput celebrated Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church for the 10th anniversary of the parish group Concerned Black Catholics (CBC). (Photos by Sarah Webb)