Photo features

Archbishop Celebrates Mass at Our Mother of Good Counsel in Bryn Mawr

The Archbishop joined the parish community Feb. 3 to mark World Day for Consecrated Life.

Over 300 Students Package 2,500 Care Bags For Catholic Schools Week

See scenes from the Feb. 1 keystone event for the celebration of Catholic Schools Week in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Roman Catholic Welcomes New President with Mass and Installation

Archbishop Pérez was the celebrant of the Installation Mass for Roman Catholic High School’s 15th Head of School and 6th President, John A. Prendergast.

Archbishop, Priests Gather for First Regional Session, Focus on Missionary Discipleship

Priests joined Archbishop Pérez for one of three regional sessions held to continue the conversation about the “apostolic landscape” that the Church is ministering in today.

Waldron Mercy Academy Welcomes Archbishop Pérez

Archbishop Pérez celebrated Catholic Schools Week with a Mass and special visit at Waldron Mercy Academy.

Students from Archdiocesan High Schools, Schools of Special Education Face Off in Bocce Match

Archbishop John Carroll High School and Saint Katherine School of Special Education students faced Archbishop Wood High School and Our Lady of Confidence School of Special Education students in an Interscholastic Unified Sports Bocce Match.

Archbishop Celebrates 30th Anniversary Mass at Our Lady of Hope in Philadelphia

See scenes from the Jan. 14 30th anniversary Mass at Our Lady of Hope Parish on North Broad Street in Philadelphia.

Photos: Catholic Charities Appeal Launches for 2024

CCA is the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s single largest annual fundraising initiative.

Annual Archdiocesan Interfaith Prayer Service

See scenes from the Jan. 14 Archdiocesan Interfaith Prayer Service commemorating the life and legacy of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Photos: Archbishop Recognizes Over 150 Religious Educators During Annual Mass

Archbishop Pérez celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving Jan. 13 to recognize over 150 religious educators for their years of service.