Photo features

See Scenes from the Annual Day of Sanctification Dec. 4

See scenes from the archdiocese’s annual Day of Sanctification Dec. 4 which was held at Mother of Divine Providence in King of Prussia.

Abington Parish Marks Milestone Moments With Anniversary Mass

Our Lady Help of Christians observed milestones in the history of the parish with a special Mass Dec. 3.

Saints Philip and James School Celebrates National Blue Ribbon Designation with Pep Rally

Special guest appearances included the Phillie Phanatic and video message from Matt Ryan, SSPJ Class of '99 and 2016 NFL MVP.

Philadelphia Legislators Visit the Cenacle at the Padre Pio Center

Local legislators including State Senator Judy Ward and State Representative Anthony Bellmon visited the Catholic Social Services' site for a Maternal and Infant Health Caucus.

Saint Hubert HS Joins Northeast Family Service Center for Turkey Giveaway

Over 45 families in the Northeast Philadelphia area received full Thanksgiving meals.

Across the Aisles: Saint Philip Neri Church, Lafayette Hill

Young Catholics received the sacrament of confirmation conferred by Archbishop Pérez as he celebrated Mass Nov. 8 at the Montgomery County parish.

Scenes from St. John’s Hospice “Boot Up Philly” Community Event

The event benefited Philadelphians experiencing homelessness and impacted by poverty. 

Archbishop Speaks to Young Men About Vocational Discernment

The event was sponsored by the Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood to coincide with the national observance of Vocation Awareness Week.

Scenes: Archbishop, Archdiocesan Priests Conclude Annual Fall Meetings

The Deanery Meetings, which started in early October, offer opportunities for the Archbishop and all priests of the Archdiocese to engage in fraternal dialogue.

Photo Feature: Annual St. Martin de Porres Mass

Archbishop Pérez opened Black Catholic History Month in the Philadelphia Archdiocese by celebrating the 61st annual St. Martin de Porres Mass Nov. 5 at the Cathedral Basilica.