Photo features

At Easter, Catholics sing ‘Alleluia’ with joy

Like those across the archdiocese and the world, Catholic faithful celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus during a Mass Easter Sunday morning, April 17, at the cathedral with Archbishop Perez.

Across the Aisles: Palm Sunday at Villanova U

Archbishop Nelson Perez was the main celebrant, along with Augustinian priests, for Mass on Passion Sunday, April 10 with the community at Villanova University.

A time to listen, a time to speak

As listening sessions for the synod continue, Archbishop Nelson Perez joined with young adults and ministry leaders at two sessions April 3-4 at La Salle University and Villanova University.

Catholic Charities Appeal raises thankful prayers

The CCA Giving Society, consisting of supporters of the appeal, gathered for a Mass of thanksgiving with Archbishop Nelson Perez March 21 at the cathedral.

Across the Aisles: Annunciation BVM Church, Philadelphia

Archbishop Nelson Perez came to the South Philadelphia church March 23 to confirm young adults of Annunciation and St. Nicholas of Tolentine parishes.

Across the Aisles: St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother Parish

Sixteen young people were confirmed by Archbishop Nelson Perez during a Mass he celebrated Sunday morning, March 20 at the Avondale, Chester County church.

Men share faith, friendship at 14th Man Up Philly

The annual Catholic men's spirituality conference took place Saturday, March 19 with Archbishop Nelson Perez celebrating Mass for hundreds of faithful men.

Gifts of many cultures enrich the church

Catholics from numerous ethnic and national backgrounds came together in prayer and celebration for the annual Cultural Heritage Mass at the cathedral, led by Archbishop Perez.

Penn, Drexel students share their faith on campus

The Catholic Newman Center in University City in Philadelphia gathered for Mass March 17 with Archbishop Nelson Perez and the chaplain, Father Carlos Keen.

Catholic school cuts ribbon for new learning center

St. Katharine Drexel Regional Catholic School in Holland, Bucks County welcomed Archbishop Perez for a visit in which he dedicated the new facility, met with students and celebrated Mass for the school community.